One way or another- deamnap

286 9 0

(Unexpected employments)
Sapnap's pov




I groaned while raising my hand, slamming it on my phone. "Mhm..what time is it.." my eyes were exhausted and could barely even manage to keep them open. I looked at my phone to see the time, "mhm 8:3..7?" I questioned before closing my eyes. "SHIT 8:37!? I GOTTA GET GOING" I quickly realized that today was my first time job. I ran to get myself ready in 20 minutes or so, I looked around for my towel that I finally found after leaving it on a pile of clothes. "OKAY I minutes" I ran into my bathroom and quickly got in the shower.

15 minutes later

"I got my phone, headphones,my file, and my bag..that should be all.." I walked towards the front door until "SHIT MY KEYS"

"Mr. A, you're late!" The head secretary shouted quietly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that today was my first on the job..please do excuse my tardiness!" I looked away from embarrassment, without realizing, I accidentally made eye contact with a coworker.
*shoot- I barely just got here and I already made an eye contact with random guy * sapnap thought to himself.

"Mr. A? Are you even listening?" The secretary Whispered loudly. "Yeah sorry, I'll be more careful next time" I sighed with relief, "That guy you looked at, he's quite the one that you really should be careful around" she whispered in my ear with a folder covering her face. "Wait why? Is he the boss?" I whispered back, I never knew who was the boss of this job since I only got it, without actually talking to the guy. "No, more like, the quite troublemaker..he's the favourite coworker of our boss" I nodded my head from the shocking moment. *so..I really gotta be in good hands around him, I just hope he doesn't bother me at all* I thought to myself while walking towards my office. "you must be new here..?" Another guy asked me, I turned around to see someone with glasses. "Oh yeah, I'm new" I was confused about the sudden question, "I'm George, Nice to meet you...uh what's your name?" He raised his hand for a handshake but then stopped and asked me my name. "Oh my name is Sapnap..nice to meet you George" I lifted my hand to give him a handshake. "Sapnap..I see, we both saw each other while you were talking to Ms. Lisa" he pointed at the lady who I was talking to a few minutes ago..

*SO..HES THE FAVOURITE COWORKER!?* I thought to myself while processing everything, until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder...
"What exactly are you doing here, standing without doing work?"
*please..I JUST BARELY GOT HERE, I CANT BE IN TROUBLE ALREADY!?" I galloped and turn my head around, and it''s....a tall blonde guy..?

" Are you usually this rude to your own boss?" I gasped and then turned turned around about to explain everything but.. "Sorry boss, he's just a lazy man" I heard from the corner of my ear, George straight up changed..!?
*you little- MF REALLY JUST CHANGED HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY!?*I sighed while re-thinking on what to do. " I apologize, I'm just new so I don't know what to work on"

"I why don't you come with me to my office?" He then proceeded to grab my wrist and pull me to his office. "Alright but you're kinda hurting my wrist-" I say however he didn't let go..

At his office

"Sit down Mr. A" he looked at me with a straight glare, I almost thought that I wouldn't be making the job. "My name is Clay, although you can call me Mr. Mask, are you sure that you want to work on this job?" He looked concerned about me..I know what I'm doing. "Yes, I did indeed know what I'm getting myself into, although I didn't expect to be seen as weak" I scoffed while crossing my leg. "I see, you're quite confident for someone who seemed so lied to"He smirked while crossing his arms, "so you must've noticed his actions yet you don't bother saying anything..Mr. Mask?" My ego is showing again.. "George is someone who is indeed misleading, however, you shouldn't take him so lightly Mr. A- " He was about to continue until I cut him off.
"Lightly? It seems you have already done that or do you have some interest in Mr. George? Do you realize that maybe...people will find out and use him as bait? You don't want to lose you now?" My head tilted to my right, and then looked at Mr. 'Mask'.

"Watch it Mr. Armstrong, you do realize that this is a very serious job of working in this building" he raised his voice, leaving one of his eyebrow's lifting up. "Woah, calm down Mr. Mask, working with you won't be a problem right? Because as known for seeking revenge..I'm not the one who has patience" I leaned closer towards Dream, "I gotta say, I'm quite jealous of that George, but not enough for me to get involved, well Mr. Dream..what's the plan?" I backed away and sat on the chair. "First, it's Mr. Mask to you and well, I can't say any important information but I do know that, this won't be an easy job if you haven't taken part of killing?" he stood up and leaned closer towards my face, feeling his scent of ..perfume?

"I have done my own killing, although I think you already caught something else inside of you..that isn't exactly killing.." I pointed at his suit, the smell was something..
"If you keep smelling like strawberries, I don't think anyone..not even me, will take you seriously." I giggled. "Why? Are you perhaps jealous of what he gets have, instead of you?" His smile turned into a grin..

"You must have such low expectations of me, and besides I barely know anything about you, so I rather not get any virus of whatever you have in 'there'" I pointed at his pants and then walked away, I felt such relief. *this is going to be a long day for me* I said to myself.

Author notes: AYEE HOW YALL DOING? I hope that this is like a refresher. I haven't done these type of stories in a while, but BUT THERE WILL BE ONE WHERE ITS GONNA BE GOOD ( I hope)
I'll see you all on Sunday (this Sunday ;))

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