Mirrors (dreamnap)

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Warning ⚠️ self insecurities and low self confidence,
Trama abuse ⚠️

I looked over and overheard a conversation. "This is why we should've put him in a better position, why can't he be more like his friends? More responsible.." I looked towards my parents, hearing how much they wished to have a better son..

I didn't want to hear more so I left and went back to my room. It didn't matter how much I put so much effort, my parents never appreciate it as much as he did. I heard a notification from me phone, I looked and it was him, saying how he can't sleep.


I can't sleep rn, so what are you
Up to?

                                                          Hey, I'm texting you         
                                                    that's what I'm doing😏

Ha.ha.ha very funny😒
But seriously, what are you up to?

Jeez but nothing much,
just uh hearing parents complain..the usual

Oh sorry dude, I didn't mean to bring
Down the mood.

No it's fine you asked so
it don't matter but why can't you sleep?

I've been thinking a lot and you've been
In my mind recently..crazy right?

Mhmm, why though? Did I
attract you~?
Yeah actually I've been thinking
Of meeting up sometime

Oh!? Why so suddenly?
Why not? It might be fun
you never know😏
                                      Haha, you can't resist me now if  
                                                                          you met me
Oh cmon dude, we
Haven't seen each other besides
What can go possibly wrong?

                                     You ending up being in love with  
Pfft, trust me you're gonna be
Surprised one day that you fall for me
                                             Let's not push your lucky on   
                         this one but sure let's see who falls first
Hehe bet!

I turned off my phone with a smile on my face yet I turned around to see myself. "I might not have a chance.."
I knew think so negative wouldn't help me at all so I just let myself cry for tonight.

The next morning, I stood up and felt so dizzy. "Oh wow, okay my head hurts" I looked down to see my cat patches looking worried. "No it's okay patches, I'll be fine" I walked away and went to my bathroom, I saw my tears from last night and it made me feel so exhausted. "The more that I cry, the more my eye bags are going to be puffy" I went to grab the toothbrush and stared at myself. I washed up and went ahead and got ready for my part time job. "Man, if I keep looking like this I might as well scare one of the clients" I chuckled while trying to sound alright. "I must've not gotten water yet but I just hope, that this time I won't be late again" I went outside and checked to see if my parents were there.

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