Karlnap- Meet me once again

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A voice recorder was founded
In the year 1993
This was what came out of..

"You haven't changed at all, have you?" He laughed with his eyes shining brighter, glancing at his smile with a small peek and then looking back at the attractive man. "Well, I see you haven't either Karl" My voice sounded very high pitched, in which I slightly coughed from embarrassment. "We haven't talked like this in a while, how much time has passed since you went to military" I could hear the relief from Karl's voice.
"I'm sorry Karl..I just didn't expect to be taken away from you" I cried silently, I knew that it wasn't right to feel such ways for a man, it wouldn't be right. "As much time has passed, you haven't really sent me any mails, why's that?" I could feel Karl's voice cracking with concerns, I couldn't tell him anything.
"It was highly strict with mails" I avoided his gaze and looked at the ground. "I know you're lying to me Nick" Karl eyed me with strong glare even without his glasses on, he looked imitating. "The reason why I couldn't was because of how my parents had decided to say unnecessary things to those who worked at the military.." I sighed from re-looking at my experience from that place..
"I see..is that why I haven't heard from you since then?" I nodded while looking at him, I could see his look of disbelief as he grabbed me for an embrace. "I haven't felt this warmth in a long time Karl..Thank you" I cried silently while resting my face with tears. "It may not be right for both of us..but maybe, in another life time" I could feel his smile on my shoulder..
For the first time..I felt safe in his arms
"Promise me..that we will meet again?" I looked at his eyes while his tears falling down. "I promise with all my heart" he sighed as we both ended up together until death did us apart...

Notes: HEYY I haven't uploaded in days..that's because I have gotten sick but I have slowly recoverd! Anyways, I wish you all a good day☝️

One shots (karlnapity,dreamnap, etc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat