Paper heart (angst dreamnap/dnf)

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Being stuck between two love birds all the time is a lot. Never thought that I would've been stuck in between that situation.
I look at his eyes and see how happy he is, smiling on his phone while we hangout..
I didn't even think he would go as far as even cancelling our hangouts or ignoring me as much as possible.
"Sorry, maybe next time sap" I looked at you, seeing of how much you have lied to me, right in my face.
"Oh, I guess so then I'll better get going now" I walked away, I felt unneeded. I could hear him laughing with the guy he likes.

Do I feel jealous?
Why should I feel jealous at someone who I knew, wouldn't accept me?
Am I not good enough? I thought that maybe they were getting a long and just homies hangout. Turns out, that the more he got along with George..the more he would avoid me and get some time alone with George.

The amount of memories we both shared, were thrown away so quick without any hesitation what so ever..
No matter how much I had given so many were obvious to not even pay any close attention.
I feel so stupid on thinking that I had a chance to be with you. I guess, we were just never meant to be. We were so happy, hangout with George just like good friends. Dream..when did you decide to do me like this?

"I now pronounce, Dreamwastaken to be your beloved husband as well as goergenotfound, you may now kiss the husband" said the priest while watching you both kiss while holding each other so closely. How I wished that was me..
You looked at me, seeing my own tears running down my face yet I pretended to be happy for you and George. No matter how much I tried, I know I would've never stood a chance between him. You liked him and told me to give you advice. I was hold up my tears but I guess you never noticed how much you hurt me.
"Congratulations, I'm glad you two are together!" I say with my voice shaking. " it's okay sapnap, you don't have to keep pretending to not cry, I can tell you're keeping your tears hidden" George questioned and looked at me, I had to think of something. "Pfft, man I'm sorry you guys but I cry at weddings so no need to expose me right now George-" I laughed.
"Well, my husband, shall we dance?" Dream looked at George with his smile on, then George took his hand and agreed.
I look at my two friends who now turned into husbands, although I felt tears coming down and more until my heart started to tighten. And then my last breathe was taken from me before I even gotten the chance to say why?
All I heard was screaming..

"SAPNAP!? HEY ANSWER ME! DONT DIE" Dream cried while holding on to sapnap's body and the George calling the ambulance.
POV Dream:
That was the last day of my best friend who had lived and stayed with me until his death. He died while on my wedding day, I can't believe I'm standing in his grave where I placed flowers. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you had feelings for me? Why did you leave all heartbroken and baring to see me all happy?" I cried.
When the day I found out sapnap passed away, I went to his room and saw a note. I read it which said the amounts of feelings he had for me. That night I cried while George said that it wasn't my fault, although I knew it was. "I'm sorry sapnap, you deserved so much better" as I bend down to place a small paper heart I gave sapnap when we were in high school. "I still can't believe you kept it so many years..."

The end </3

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