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~~~JI-SU'S POV ~~~

There was a knock on the door. I didn't want to see anyone as of this moment. I needed a break from everything. Heck, I haven't been to school for who knows how long. Everyone must be worried. Another knock on the door echoed through the empty hospital room.

"Come in." I said, wanting nothing but silence. The door opened and there stood Taehyung, still wearing the same clothes he had yesterday. His low-cut t-shirt lazily hung from his shoulders, airy and free, his jeans severely wrinkled.Bags formed under his eyes, his face looking as pale as a ghost. He looked like he had been through hell and back given the state he was in.

"Hey, Ji-Su. How are you feeling? Would you like some wate—"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. Nothing but frustration filled my words, my breathing heavy.

"No. I don't need anything. I'm fine."

I refused to look at him. The audacity to walk in here and talk to me like nothing had even happened. He let out a large exhale and sat in the seat next to my hospital bed. My head was spinning as the smell of his cologne wafted through the room.

"How could you have done this to me? You were my idol Taehyung. I thought that you showed interest in me because of who I was, not because of this stupid arrangement. I'm still in high school for goodness sake. This is so messed up. I can't believe I actually liked y--"

I stopped. Did I just say that? I looked up at him. Thankfully it seemed like he wasn't paying attention to the last part. His eyes were focused on his hands as he fiddled with his fingers. I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Look Ji-Su, you have every right to be mad at everyone but I truly wanted to become closer to you. Sure, maybe at first I was only interested in speaking to you because of our arrangement. But when we were partnered up to do the assignment together at my place, I was seriously drawn to you in ways that words can't even describe. Every moment we spent together meant so much to me and I truly started liking you." His cheeks flushed red.

I sat there on my hospital bed and sighed. When I finally locked eyes with him, tension filled the air.

"Look, Taehyung. I know you never meant for any of this to happen but it would have been nice to at least let me know so that it wasn't such a shock." I sighed and shook my head. "Fine. I'll forgive you... on one condition." I let out a sly grin, waiting for his response.

His head snapped up to look at me. "Really? You'll forgive me? What's the condition? I'll do anything you want!" His eyes once full of hope now became regret.

"Anything you say?" Oh I was ready to release hell upon him. This was the moment I was waiting for. The moment he knew, he f****d up.

Soon after I was discharged from hospital, I was back at school. I never thought I'd say this, but I missed being here. The first person to greet me was none other than Yoongi, followed by the rest of the group.

"JI-SU!!! We missed you so much! We heard all about how you were in hospital after hitting your head on the corner of your table. How on earth did that happen?" Yoongi asked as he ran and gave me a big hug. He looked me up and down, making sure that I was okay. I explained almost everything to them... except from the arranged marriage part. I didn't want them to worry about me too much.

"We're just glad that you're ok. I heard that Taehyung was there the entire time you were out cold without eating or drinking anything."

Taehyung did? This was all news to me. Had he really not eaten or drank anything while I was unconscious? No wonder his complexion looked pale and almost ghostly.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" Namjoon asked.

I smiled before making a phone call. "You can come out now."

On the other end was Taehyung. "Do I have to? This is so embarrassing! In front of the entire school for the entire day?!"

"You agreed to this one condition. Not to mention, you said you would do anything." I responded as I sighed. "Guess you don't really want my forgiveness."

"Alright, alright. I'm coming."

I had the biggest grin on my face, looking forward to seeing this fantastic performance from none other than Taehyung.

"Was that Tae? Is he on his way yet? He's gonna be late. Class starts in 5 minutes." Some of the guys were asking.

"You'll find out soon. Speaking of the devil, here he comes."

Down the hallway was none other than Taehyung. Silent laughter and snickering from the other students filled the hallway as he walked past them. There he was, in my school uniform. I crossed my arms and whistled at him. He was flustered, his entire face was as red as a tomato. The rest of the group stood there, mouths hung open as they watched Taehyung walk towards them as he wore a skirt that was just above his knees.

Before he even made it to the end of the hallway where we stood, he was called over by one of the school's teachers.

"Taehyung! This behaviour is inappropriate. Go to the principal's office right now! This type of behaviour will have serious consequences."

Before any of us could say anything, Taehyung was taken away by the teacher to the principal's office. I ran after them to explain but also received punishment for coming up with the idea of inappropriate uniforms. As if I haven't spent enough time alone with him this past month. 

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