"I said that you should stop drinking now and head home."

That voice-

It sounded way too familiar, the tenderness in the male's voice, but somehow Minho's intoxicated mind couldn't put a finger on where he had heard that voice before.

"Who are you to tell me to stop?" His voice slurred a bit at the end.

Minho leaned in and squinted his eyes to get rid of the slightly blurred vision, trying to peek inside the stranger's bucket hat.

As if that was useful in any way.

The unknown guy panicked a bit before instinctively leaning back to prevent the closeness of the two. "Stop, hyung-"

"Hyung? Ah so I'm older! More reason as to why you can't stop me, kid." A chuckle left the drunk male's lips as he reached out to grab the glass of wine.

"No, you can't!" The protest of the younger male came out more like a whine as he used both of his hands to grab onto Minho's right hand.


Getting his chance, Minho quickly used his free hand to push the bucket hat off of the other.

What was revealed right after was a fluff of blonde hair and pair of round widened eyes that stared back into the older's eyes in shock.

Again, a familiar pair of round beautiful eyes.

"Y-You.." the older mumbled.

The unknown guy's breath got caught in his throat as the fear of getting caught spreaded across his body.

It must've been a lucky day for him though.

"You look so much.. so much like My squirrel.. that ran away."

That was the last thing the older could mumble out in his slurred voice before completely passing out due to the fatigue and alcohol working strong on his body.

A sigh was heard beside the sleeping figure before that unknown hand again reached out towards him, lightly patting his head this time instead.


Jisung's POV

The night deepened as per nature's will but as always, there was not an ounch of sleep present in my eyes. Being a medical student hampered your sleep schedule enough and when it was paired with insomnia, say goodbye to slumber.

It was around 2 am when I finished studying for the day. My finals were running and so I had to give extra effort into everything.

I couldn't wait to become an intern doctor soon.

Cracking the cramped bones, I thought it was a good idea to go out for a walk. Going on walks late at night had always been my thing.

So grabbing my thick jacket, putting a bucket hat over the mess of my newly blonde hair, I set out.

I didn't have any specific place in mind, just letting my feet take me wherever they pleased. Humming to a tune and silently walking through the quiet streets, I found myself roaming in a eerily familiar neighborhood.

A smile made its way on my lips as I walked around the place where I had grown up. My parents' house was still there, a few blocks away from where I was standing.

It's been a while I've visited them last.

Making a mental note to visit my parents right after exams were over, I started walking somewhere else.

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