Chapter 1: X

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I was startled by the sudden call of my name when I was about to take a sit. It was the voice of my bestfriend, Yeji.

"Hm? What is it? Did something happen? For you to scream like that" I asked curiously.

She immediately ran to me and paused for a moment as she tries to catch her breath. She seemed to have ran all the way here to our classroom.

'Was what happened something bad? Or... is it something really important?'

I thought as I observed her face. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"I can't believe what I just saw!" She said with her eyes wide open which peaked my interest more. "I saw a new student!"


It was not only me who found her statement questionable. The rest of the class who are in our room paused as well. Well, why not? What she ran and screamed for was actually just a new student. Isn't it a normal occurrence once in while? Not something new.

"Mwoya.. so it is just that. You made me curious for nothing *sigh*" I said disappointedly.

"No no no- Hear me out, okay? It's not JUST that. The new student is HELLA ATTRACTIVE!"

As soon as she said that, everyone in the room lost grip of the things they were holding. You might say it seems exagerated but all of us know how high Yeji's standards are. It is already hard to get Yeji say someone is 'attractive'. But earlier she just said the new student is 'HELLA attractive'. Who could not get curious now?

"Really?" I cant help but get amazed.

"Yeah. REALLY!" Yeji answered as she nodded consecutively.

Seeing her response, a majority of our class, both girls and guys, hurriedly checked their appearances. They fixed their uniforms, brushed their hair, and even checked their breaths, wanting to make a good impression to the new student. It was quite a sight.

"But wait, WAIT" I said, swiping both of my palms in the air sideways, in opposite directions, as I was reminded by something. Everyone also stopped their movements. "We forgot something important"

"Hm? What?" Yeji asked.

I placed both of my elbows on my table and rested my chin at my knuckles. Trying to keep the suspense, I wore a serious look.

Before speaking, I first glanced at all of the corners in the room trying to check if everyone paid attention. Upon confirming that everyone is looking, I then landed my eyes on Yeji.

"The new student... Is it... a boy or a girl?" I asked.

When they heard my question, everyone can't help but widen their eyes and draw their ears closer to know the answer of Yeji. Of course we need to know the gender! It's a very crucial detail!

"Ah right!" Yeji said as she softly slammed her right fist on his left palm, finally realising.

"I hope its a girl. I'm already sick of looking at our girl classmates. None of them appreciates my looks"

"Shut up. That's why you don't have a girlfriend *sigh*"

"Hey! That hurts! You talk like you have a boyfriend too"

"Please let it be a goddess. Please please please. I'll get motivated to study a hundredfold"

"No no no. A guy. It should be guy!"

Hearing them, Yeji raised the right corner of her lips up, seemingly finding a great idea. She placed her right fist near her mouth acting as if holding a microphone and spoke. "Ehem.."

X AND Y (Sunghoon & Wonyoung)Where stories live. Discover now