Chapter 26: Calm before the storm?

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If you are still breathing, you have a second chance.

TW: Mention of Violence, abuse, gore(kinda?)

"Luna are you ok?" Indra and Ravi are sitting in his room of the apartment. The twins are either cooking or doing paperwork. No one can listen to them even if they can, they won't understand the language.

"I'll be okay...soon." The words are full of conviction as he takes Ravi's face into his hands.

"It will be." He echoed as he kissed his Sol on his cheek.

The brown eyed male only smiled,"Is that so? I hope that I can be of help." Ravi doesn't offer pity to him but understanding. He knows that Indra will be okay in the future if all goes to plan. Recovery takes a long time doesn't it?

"...thank you, I know that you'll help."

"Of course! I will protect you!"

"No, I'll protect you."

"We will protect each other!" Sometimes in these moments, Indra remembers how much of a childhood they missed out. Both of them didn't have the most normal upbringing after all. One lived in basic isolation while the other grew up in a single parent household. Living in the dark part of town also didn't help either. Nor did being delinquents help the situation.

"Be careful to not lose things that are important to you," whispered the wind. The pair didn't take notice of it.

Somewhere else people started getting bitter about letters they have received.


Tsukauchi scrambled to call Nezu. He had urgent information about the creature's school.

"Nedzu, I need to speak with you immediately. You probably received the letters-," Tsukauchi said.

"Come to UA," Nezu said. "We'll discuss."

Tsukauchi sighed in relief. "Good. I'll be there in ten."


There was a solemn mood when they arrived at the class. Neither Indra or Ravi care though, they just want the day to be over with. The twins were ready stationed at their spots to guard them.

"Man it's so glum glum here~!" Ravi childishly said, making some of the class more gloomy, especially Kaminari, Sato, Kirishima, and Ashido.

"I'm looking forward to... to hearing your stories about... about the training camp..." Ashido says, between sobs. Ravi looked gleeful of the situation if anything.

Midoriya smiles, "Maybe this was another one of Aizawa-sensei's logical ruses? You guys might still have a chance at going!"

"Stop it, Midoriya. You might jinx it if you say it out loud." Sero places a hand on his shoulder. Kaminari was being Kaminari and poking Izuku's eyes. Sero tells him to calm down, stating how he himself isn't sure if he passed or not. Since he was knocked out during the practical while Mineta did all the work.

'He's so pessimistic but logical?' Indra thought sitting in the lap of Ravi. The class tried to get Sol in his own seat but that didn't work. Ravi just pulled him into his lap once more so there's just an empty seat at the back of the classroom. He wonders how it doesn't hurt. He also wonders if his Sol has a type of anxiety or is just being possessive. Probably both. Crazy idiot.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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