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Kōtarō Bokuto lay in the couch, his back facing the bed trying to recall how he ended up in this situation with the beautiful Keiji Akaashi ...

Last night, he drove to Hyogo to meet his older sister, Konami.

Unfortunately, his sister has business to attend in Tokyo so she left earlier that day.

She didn't even message me... I have wasted so much time traveling for 6 hours for nothing. Kōtarō disappointedly hummed to himself.

As Kōtarō was enjoying himself inside the mansion, walking in the hallways like he was walking on the park... he heard some loud voices at the end of the hall.

Soon after, he saw Rintarō stepping out of the room, tears flowing down, eyes glued to the huge window right in front of the Suna heir.

"What's up with you?" Bokuto asked walking near Rintarō and peeked slightly inside the room

His eyes widened as he saw three guards kicking a small guy who is slumped down into the floor.

"Rin!!! What's going on?!" he asked as he shake Rintarō's shoulder.

"What are you still doing here? Konami isn't here...." Rintarō replied without looking at Kōtarō

"You didn't answer my question, Rintarō!?!" Bokuto blurted loudly

"It's none of your business... Get out of my house.... Pretend you saw nothing and-" Rin spoke firmly.

"How can I pretend not to see anything?! Your ordering your people to beat someone up!!!!" Bokuto replied hastily running inside the room.

"STOP IT!!!!" Bokuto shouted scaring the three guards knowing that he is a guest of the Sunas, the guards back down and stood there frozen

As soon as Bokuto saw how lovely the guy, he knelt down beside him, admiring the beauty in front of him

"GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!" Rin shouted and the three guards went out.

Bokuto lifted the ravenette from the floor and carefully carry him in his arms.

He fits perfectly in my arms. Dammit.. Bokuto chuckled but turns his emotion different as soon as he saw the stoic face of Rintarō walking near him.

"I don't know what's happening around here... But, I don't think you should beat him up.... I'll take him to the hospital-" the gray haired said angrily towards Rintarō

"You'll do no such thing..."

"What.. do you..." Bokuto tried confronting but was stopped

"I'll send my doctor to attend to him... My former best friend who happens to be in your arms right now, will stay here until my wedding... He'll be locked up-" Rintarō replied staring darkly at him and at the guy in his arms.

"Locked up? For God's sake?! What for?!" Bokuto find all these unnecessary so he speak up his mind.

"He should have never get in my way.... If you care that much about him... then, I'll let you watch over Keiji... I'm warning you... if he ever escaped, I'll... I'll do whatever it takes so he won't be able to intervene...even if I have to cripple him down...."

Keiji... What a beautiful name! Dammit.. Kōtarō... Rintarō is actually threatening you and this beautiful angel and all you think is how pretty Keiji is! Go back to your senses! Bokuto scolded himself inside his thoughts...

"Cri.. Cripple him! That's insane!" Bokuto protested as he took as step forward to Rintarō glaring at him

"Kisaki! Come here!" Rin called and one of the guards approached him

He whispered something on the guard's ear and nodded.

"He'll be leading you to your room, Kōtarō. Don't ever think of running away... because, I'll find you either way." Rintarō threatening the hell out of Bokuto.

He is scary hell of a dude. Bokuto thought as he slowly averted his eyes as Rintarō's eyes turns darker as their conversation continued.

The three guards lead them to an enormous room and started to lock up from the outside. The glass windows are all lock, with steel window barriers. The same goes with the windows in the comfort room. There's one big bed, study table on the side near the window adjacent to the bed, a couch on the right beside a huge wardrobe cabinet, and a small room with cleaning supplies.

Bokuto carefully lay the guy on his arms to the bed and tucked him up. He sighed and sat on the couch watching the poor guy.

He can't leave this kid here alone, knowing what Rin is capable of doing... He promised to look after the guy because he knows he fell in love with Keiji the first time he saw him.

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