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Seeing Mom cried her heart out that morning is the worst thing I have ever witnessed.

She never leave my side since they arrived in Hyogo, and she continuously caressed my face or hug me.

I am feeling guilt. Everytime I would call her, she would burst out crying.

Dad, on the other hand, just sat there in the hospital room and gives me some worried expression.

Dad persuaded Akaashi to go home to rest... Though hesitant, he agreed.

Tsumu came after lunch with irritated face. He never tell us what had happened, but surely, he is in the bad mood right now.

We went home after three days...

It's been a month already. Keiji and I officially started going out together... which my family happily accepted.

Keiji instantly became a part of my family...

Dad is having fun talking to Keiji and teaching him the family onigiri recipe which Keiji enjoys a lot.

Mom likes Keiji's company especially during grocery shopping and house cleaning because Keiji is also meticulous about things so they go along well.

Tsumu and Keiji always hang out listening to their favorite music. They often play loud music which annoy Mom sometimes.

My family may have been closed to Rintarō, too... But they seem to love Keiji more.

Slowly, I am falling for Keiji... the way he cares about me... the way he loves me... I... just find myself staring at him sometimes and smiling. Tsumu would oftentimes smirk at me and tease me about being madly in love with Keiji...

I could no longer deny that fact, I guess...

Six months ago I am broken... and one by one, Keiji picked my broken pieces ... I am slowly getting whole again...

"Why don't you two go home already?" Dad asked as we stayed a little longer in the shop to finish cleaning.

"We'll just wait for you, Dad." I replied as I wiped the counter with rug.

"I can manage this. Look at Keiji... he is sleeping already in the couch." he pointed out as he chuckled a little.

Keiji's been helping us in the shop lately, so Mom and Dad both agreed to let him live with us...

I couldn't agree more... Keiji became a part of myself and a member of my family... I'm truly happy...

"Hey, Keiji... Let's go home."

"Hmm... Okay.." he replied without opening his eyes. "Five more minutes ..."

I chuckled.
"I'll carry you, then, Keiji..."

He smiled and slowly sat on the couch.
"I'm just kidding, Samu... Wait where's Dad? Isn't he coming home with us?"

I blushed.

Yes, Keiji started calling my father "Dad" since he started living with us.. That same goes with Mom.

He's so comfortable with us, and I am glad he is.

"Dad said he'll stay a little longer. We can go ahead..."

"Okay...  (yawned)"

"Dad! We're heading home!"

"Okay, sons! Be careful."

"Mom... We're home!" I shouted as we entered the house.

"Oh, hello sons. Where's your Dad?"

"He's staying a little more at the shop but he'll be home after cleaning" I replied as I put my shoes on the rack.

"Great! I'm prepping the dinner." Mom gleefully said

"I'll help you in the kitchen, Mom after I take a bath." Keiji said as he went upstairs in the guest room.

I sat down with Tsumu who is busy with his Calculus.

"Ye doing okay, Tsumu?" I asked

"Nah... I can't seem to understand this stuff..." he replied with his eyes glued to his notebook

Tsumu seems a little distracted lately and even I tease him, he'll just stare at me...

"Do ye want me to help you?" I asked as I looked at his notes.

"Do you know this stuff?"

"Give me some moments, I can try..."

Okay... We've been stuck with it for almost 15 minutes.... I don't get it either.

Good thing Keiji knew this thing and helped Tsumu answering.

"Dinner is ready..." Keiji said as he went to the living room where Tsumu and I are playing video games.

"Okay!" we said in unison and went directly to the kitchen...

"I wonder what's taking your father so long..." Mom worriedly said as she put the soup down in the table.

"I'll call him, Mom." Tsumu said as he dialed Dad's number.

"That's weird... His phone isn't ringing at all... It's unattended." he commented.

Then the telephone near the kitchen counter rang loudly.

"I'll take that..." Mom said as she quickly stood from her seat.

Mom's face turned pale and she fainted that her knees gave up on her...

Good thing, Keiji is taking the water pitcher from the fridge and assisted her.

Tsumu and I worriedly walked near them and asked what happened.

Tsumu took the phone.


He quickly put the phone down and run out of the kitchen

"What's going on?!" I asked as Mom drink some water offered by Keiji.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes...

"Your father... The shop... the shop... is on fire..." she whimpered badly that she is breathing heavily.

" Please.. Follow your brother... He's... very impulsive" she said panting....

Keiji embraced Mom tightly trying to calm her down..

I couldn't believe it myself...

"I... I'll be back! Keiji, please look after Mom..."

"Be careful, Samu..."

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