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"How's the interview?"

"It went well... They want me to start as soon as possible." Keiji replied as he sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

I leaned on the door frame and admire his physique. I really like his eyes... It's mesmerizing.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked with his brows furrowed.

"It's nothing actually... I just... want you to know... I like you."

"You sounded like your twin's fiancé..."

"Ye mean Sakusa-kun?"


"Well, ye know, I think he is a likeable person."

He frown.

"Hey, what's wrong, Keiji?" I asked as I walked to him.

"So... You... you like him?"

"What? Ye jealous or somethin'?" I asked leaning on him.

"I.. ahmm... No." he replied averting his eyes from mine.

"Ye aren't good at lying, Love"

His face turns bright pink and he looked back at me.

"I am jealous... yeah.. I guess.."

"Knew it.. Don't be, okay Love?"


'Ye know.... I asked Sakusa-kun about how he define like... and he gave me a very remarkable answer.."


"Yes. That's why I started liking him... not fer myself, Keiji.. but fer my stupid brother."

He stared at me with those beautiful eyes...

"So, you two talk-"

Before he could finish, I kissed him.

He covered his face with his palms as I chuckled.. How cute. Seeing him all flustered like this...

I remembered Rin...

Dammit, Samu!

I stepped a little and stare at the guest room window.

"Are.. you.. okay, Samu?" he asked as he held my left arm.


"Your spacing out, Samu.." he asked worriedly

"I'm fine.."

I always have to remind myself that I'm dating Keiji... or else, I can't stop thinking about Rin....

I sighed.

Tsumu is being a total moody lately.

The other day, he's so happy, the next day he's irritated... and today, he's just staring at our room window smiling weirdly.

"What's up with ye?"

"What? I'm just enjoying myself..."

"Enjoying with what anyway?"

"You don't have to know, Samu." he looked at me and stick his tongue out

I frown

"Ye seem a little different recently. Are ye going crazy, Tsumu?"

"That's absurd, Samu! I'm just being cheery."

"Why may I ask?"

"I'm... actually seeing someone."

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