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Once I felt better, Tsumu hesitantly accompany me to see RIn... but he never once face me...

He skipped school and everytime we'll drop by to his house... the guards would kick us away..

Yes, Rin is born from a very rich and prominent family.... but the Rin I know isn't self and status- centered. He's humble and down to Earth... he isn't selfish.. he's understanding and never hurt anyone...

except me I guess...

He usually say, wealth is very temporary... and irrelevant to living a happy life... and now here he is proving all he said as lies.

Rintarō never once lied to me... never.

"Young master Rin ordered us not to entertain either of you so you better go home and stop disturbing this household..." the guard said after some days as we continue dropping by

Why, Rin? Why do you have to do this?

Even during the graduation, Rin didn't show up... He just  stop attending school, and blocked me on his phone.

I tried contacting him but... he always block the new numbers I'm using...

Why do you have to do this to me Rin? Why are you avoiding me?

"Excuse  me, it's your turn to order now." a young boy standing from my back said.

He got black messy hair and blue.. no green... right blue eye color with slightly thick brows.

I am currently at a small cafe waiting for Tsumu... and I was caught up with my thoughts that I didn't realize, it's my turn to order.

"Ah.. Yeah! Sorry about that"

"No.. you're good." he replied as he smiled at me.

I ordered my food and took my seat as my phone rings loudly


"Hey.. Where are you?" I asked
"You're late..."

"Sorry! I don't think I can make it... I got the interview time messed up... Sorry! Please don't do anything stupid, Samu."

"O... Okay... I won't... I'll go home after eating.."

"Okay.. Okay.. I'll call you, just please stay away from his house and be safe. Bye,."

"Bye. Good Luck."

Tsumu got some college interview today.. and we planned to spend this afternoon together but I think I have to spend it alone ...

I sighed..

I actually planned of dragging Tsumu to Rin's house again today, but he seems to know me so well.. and stopped even my thoughts...

"It seems like you space out all the time..."

Oh, it's that guy again

"Do you have company? Every seat is taken, do you mind sharing your table with me?" he asked as he smile a little.

"Ah.. No. No. Sure." I replied as I pull the tray from the opposite side  of the table.

"I'm Akaashi.. Keiji Akaashi by the way... I'm 18. I just came here in Hyogo..." he introduced himself

"I'm Osamu.. Osamu Miya. You can call me by my first name so we won't get confuse.." I said as I stir my coffee.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a twin brother.." I answered without lifting my head from the coffee.


We spend the next 15 minutes in awful silence.

"By the way, Osamu..."

I lifted my head and looked at him.

"Would it be... okay if we... become... friends?" he asked stuttering

"Okay.. No problem.."

"I'm pan by the way.. Would that be a problem?" he added.

I couldn't believe an attractive person like Akaashi would be pan... Well, appearance can be deceiving.

"No worries.. I am too." I replied as I smiled at him and took the last bite of my cake.

"Awesome..." he whispered.

We exchanged contacts and I even dropped him off to the train station and he insisted of accompanying me home but I refused since my house is a walking distance from the cafe.

"Thank you, Osamu..."

"No worries, Akaashi. Goodbye. Be safe." I replied as I waved my hand.

For some reasons.. I forgot about Rin for a moment as I spend them with Akaashi...

My phone beep

*Thanks again for today, Osamu. Take care and be careful on your way home.*

After that, I started to feel empty again... like I'll never be happy again... like Rintarō took everything from me when he left...

He... breaks me... and I couldn't bring each of my pieces back...

I feel like a scattered puzzle pieces...

I know, Rin, you're the only one who could glue them together... I...

I am a broken puzzle whom will never be whole again... without you.

🄿🄻🄴🄰🅂🄴, 🅂🅃🄰🅈 | OsaSuna Angstحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن