"So, you're Shinsou hm? Just some random guy, Izuku?" The redhead asked as Izuku only paled further.

"Wait who the hell are you?! Where is Izuku?!!?" Shinsou shouted through the phone, while the blonde only took the phone from the red head.

"We're his fucking husbands and mates you pathetic mortal." The blonde snarled as his voice turned into a dark and soul shaking echo.

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW EITHER OF YOU!! AND I'M MOST CERTAINLY NOT MARRIED OR MATED!!" Izuku screamed at the Alpha's his own adrenaline canceling out his fear. Though that didn't fly well with either Alpha as they both looked at him completely shocked and honestly.


"Izuku come here now" The red head ordered as he pressed forward towards Izuku who only then sprinted away from him, further into his apartment.

"Shit. Get him" The blonde ordered at the other Alpha who was already chasing after the frightened Omega

"Izuku hasn't ever even dated someone before you lying bastards!! TELL ME WHERE HE IS! AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM YOU FUCKERS" Shinsou shouted as the blonde only growled.

"You humans never cease to amaze me without stupid you can truly be." The Alpha stated as he then leaned back on the counter waiting for his mate to retrieve the Omega.

"We humans? Who the fuck do you think you are" Shinsou snarled through the phone while the blonde only smiled darkly to himself.

"You're close, aren't you? Let me guess you'll be here within 10-15 minutes hm? You'll find out then you pathetic excuse of an Alpha."

And with that the blonde hung up the phone as a crash came from the other room. Quickly the Alpha came into the other room only to see a broken vase, a few broken picture frames, and the redhead standing by a closed bathroom door. "He's still being difficult?" The blonde asked as the red head only nodded while looking longingly at the door.

"Izuku why are you insisting on making this so difficult. I understand if you're not completely ready to leave the Earth just yet but you don't have to deny who we are just to stay for a bit longer." The red head stated as the blonde only sighed a bit.

"And there was absolutely no reason to deny our marriage! You've been gone for over 400 years! You would think you would be excited to see us again!" The blonde shouted as the red head only muttered to himself.

"Deny our marriage?! Are you both insane?! You've broken into my house! Stole my things! And threatened my friend! AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO EITHER OF YOU ARE!!" Izuku shouted through the door desperately, trying his hardest to not allow his tears to fall.

"DAMN IT IZUKU WE-." Though before the blonde could continue a small choked sob that came from the other side of the door forced them silent.

Both Alpha's froze still, neither moving, neither making a sound as they both waited to see if they could hear anything else, though only for them to hear the shaking and broken breaths that Izuku was trying to take. Both Alpha's only looked to each other, both completely clueless as to what to do, though neither could deny the absolute heartache they felt at that very moment.

Their husband, their mate, the one who had been away from them for over 400 hundred years, the one that they had been searching for ever since that fateful day 400 years ago when All Might had told them that Izuku could possibly be lost on Earth. And yet the very one who denied any relation to them, the one who ran from them, instead of to them, the one who screamed and hid from them, the very one who was crying on the other side of the door because of them.

"Izuku please... Just come out and talk to us.... Please" The red head begged as the blonde only hugged him from behind as he buried his face into the other Alpha's back

"H-How do you even know w-who I am?" Izuku questioned though both Alpha's flinched at the break in Izuku's voice

"Izuku how many times do we have to tell you? You're our husband. You're our mate. Just as we are yours. Did you expect us to forget you? What have you been thinking of us for the past 400 years?" The blonde questioned as the red head only reached behind him to grab onto his mate.

"400 y-years? Now I know you two are i-insane...." Izuku stuttered as the poor boy pushed himself closer to the wall of his shower.

"Insane? Why do you call us this? Why do you act as though you don't know who you are? We knew that you were lost, that's why we've been looking for you, that's why the stars are so lost, but there is no possible way you could forget us. Not with our marks on your neck." The red head reasoned while Izuku only lifted his head up slightly to stare at the door in pure confusion.

"Forget you? I don't have any clue as to who you are! I don't have any marks on my neck either, I'm not mated! And are you saying you've been stalking me for years then! And what do you mean the stars are lost?! Are you trying to quote the presentations I've given at my job?!" Izuku shouted as pure confusion and fear coursed through him. Though both Alpha's only looked to each other shocked. Neither could understand what Izuku meant though finally they continued.

"Izuku we've been looking for you for 400 years. And we've been searching for you not stalking. We have never seen a single one of these "presentations" you're talking about but we know that you're lost and so are the stars, that's why you need to come home!" The blonde stated as the red head tried to open the door once again.

"You're talking as if I'm Deku! And I'm lost?! Clearly it's you two! You've been searching for me for 400 years?! That's literally impossible! Not to mention I'm 22!" Izuku shouted as the two Alpha's stood stunned, frozen. Neither wanted to believe what they thought, but they knew they had to find out.

"Izuku, are you telling me you have no memories of being Deku? You don't know Dynamight or Red Riot? And you're an actual mortal?" The red head questioned while the other Alpha only inhaled deeply.

"I'm not Deku! I'm literally 22! I give presentations about the celestials and the other gods and the stars at the planetarium! And of course, I don't know Dynamight and Red Riot! The stories literally say that no one has heard or seen them in hundreds of years! Not even the other gods! Why on Earth would I know the two strongest gods in existence?!" Izuku shouted now even more confused than ever, not to mention his body finally catching up with all of his running, stress, sleep deprivation, and the lack of food in his system.

Though the minute Izuku's statement left his lips both of the Alpha's immediately froze and looked to each other, both knew that this was their Izuku, but at the same time he was no longer theirs. Though before either of them could take another step they heard the sound of Izuku's front door being kicked in and a shout echoed throughout the apartment


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