Stuck Trying ~ Kristina Kuroda

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(she used to BUT STILL)


tho she prob kinda sucks at beyblade idk


Kristina isn't sure what that feeling in her chest is whenever she watches the bladers in BC Sol train and practice.

She isn't sure if it's happiness, her being happy for bladers living her dream, her being happy that they aren't failing as miserably as she did before.

No, Kristina would rather not relive the memories of her unfortunate beyblading attempts, but the notable parts of her bey sewn onto the teddy bear on her desk made experiences she wanted to forget etched into her mind.


Beyblade was more known for a sport for boys, clear in how people describe it as 'a sport for young boys!'.

Though it never stopped Kristina.

She trained everyday for hours, with dreams of being on the world stage, competing to be a legendary blader whose skills were to be reckoned with.

(Sometimes, she thought about being allies with Free in team battles, and maybe even go up against him one day.)

But Kristina never got any better.

While Free was constantly improving, her own bey was always shaky upon launch, her left hand never stopped moving, and her bey never had enough power to land a good hit.

At first, Kristina shrugged it off as something that will improve over time, and she got up over and over again like the fiery and determined child she was.

Had her beyblading skills been the only problem, maybe she wouldn't have made such bad memories of it.



Something Kristina never thought would have been a problem, despite Beyblade being promoted as a boy's sport.

She was seen as weak and lacking of any actual knowledge of Beyblade.

(That wasn't true, she had thought, she wasn't weak.)

People thought Kristina was joking when she said she played Beyblade, they would laugh and would say, "Oh, playing to impress your boyfriend?"

Boys at school would tease her, call her some half-baked insult that never should have made her heart feel like it was being stabbed.

When asking for practical changes to her bey, they would always respond with, "Is the bey not pretty enough for you?"

Kristina had never felt so downgraded before, so thrown away, so misunderstood before.

It made her stop fanning the flames of her deterermination, and the fire and passion in her heart were beginning to fade.

They always seemed to think she cared more about how she looked before a match than what she her strategy would be.

She didn't understand back then, she thought they thought she wasn't trying hard enough, wasn't good enough, just some wannabe blader with unreachable hopes and dreams.

Seeing Free win match after match without breaking a sweat made envy overwhelm Kristina.

She wanted to feel the thrill of Beyblade too.

Dreams and goals Kristina had once vowed to reach disappeared, she knew that she wasn't made for being a blader, she knew there was no way she could continue.

(It hurt to know that what was once the biggest dream she had ever had was just a phase now.)

They always said she was much better suited for some other career, maybe an actress or a model, but "definitely not a blader".

Kristina was and always would be stuck trying, stuck trying to be the blader she wanted to be, stuck trying to ignore misogynistic comments of people in her life.

Life was bland for a while without the adredaline running through her body daily, but it was better than hearing what people had to say about a female being a blader.

She missed having the false hope of maybe, just maybe being a great blader and the blissful ignorance of others' comments, but she couldn't let anyone make her feel so downgraded again.

No one even remembered her blading days anyway.

Maybe not even Free.


Kristina wanted to keep trying, keep going on, ignore what everyone else had to say.

Shasa could do it, so why can't she?

She wanted to practice with her team, feel the excitement fuel her motivation.

Be the little girl who just started Beyblade again, the little girl with dreams nobody except herself thought she would ever reach.

But she isn't that girl anymore.

Now a mature teenager running the Beyblade club her grandfather used to run, she was always stuck trying- never advancing to the next level.

She had accepted that fact by now.

Kristina always tried and hoped, but she would always be stuck trying.



im alive


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