That Escalated

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I was way too hot the next morning, my back was damp with sweat and my skin prickled from the heat. It took my half-asleep brain a few minutes before the previous nights – or early morning's events came back to me. It had been way too long since I woke up tangled in Mitchell's arms. I was too used to an empty bed and now that he cuddled me like his favorite blanket, my body wasn't yet accustomed to our shared body heat. 

I wasn't sure what the time was but the sun crept in through the drapes and illuminated the room. I lay on my back with Mitchell's face buried at the crook of my neck and his hand firmly wrapped around my waist. His soft breathing caressed my hot skin and as tranquilizing as it was to be near him, I needed to get up to pee.

"Mitch," I sleepily mumbled but got no response. I tapped his shoulder to try and get him to move but he didn't budge. "Mitchell," I spoke louder but all I got was an incoherent mumble. 

I tried to remove myself from his embrace but he pulled me closer and pecked my neck before he hoarsely mumbled. "Sleep, baby."

I sighed and glanced at the clock beside my bed to see that it was a little after eleven AM. I was not sleepy; my bladder was full and my stomach grumbled for food. I understood why Mitchell was so sleepy, he mentioned that he was awake for almost twenty-four hours straight just before he passed out. Mitchell was so tired that we didn't even have a chance to talk, he passed out almost immediately after we were done. I pitied him and had no issue with him sleeping in, I just wanted him to let me go so I could get up. 

"Please let me go," I softly requested. 

"Never," he cutely mumbled and somehow snuggled closer. 

If my bladder didn't feel like it was about to explode and my body as if I were trapped in a volcano, I would've given in. "I need to use the bathroom," I informed him as I poked his bare back. 

Mitchell either ignored me or didn't hear. I huffed and tried to shuffle out of his hold but the muscle on Mitchell wasn't just for show, he was pretty damn strong. "Mitchell," I whined. 

"Mmm," Mitchell got the wrong impression of my tone and instead of moving, he sloppily planted kisses from my neck to my jaw. 

"I know you're kinky but I didn't take you for a golden shower type of guy," I muttered while Mitchell tried to get lucky. 

"Golden...?" Mitchell stilled and with half-opened, sleepy eyes glanced at me. "It's too early for this," he mumbled and I triumphantly grinned as Mitchell rolled over to the other side of the bed and freed me. 

After going about my morning routine and a shower, I firmly wrapped a towel around me and headed into the bedroom to get dressed. Mitchell, still fast asleep, lay on his stomach, with his hands tucked underneath the pillow. It must've been one busy, tiring week if my rooster was still asleep that late. 

I didn't want to disturb and wake him so I dressed as quietly as I could and decided to make brunch while he slept. I ran a hand through my damp hair and was ready to leave when Mitchell's phone rang loudly. He didn't flinch and remained in a deep slumber so I made my way to silence the call – whoever needed him could've waited, it was the weekend after all. 

I didn't recognize the number on the screen but didn't think much of it and silenced the call. Just as I placed the phone down, a text from the many notifications caught my attention. I didn't want to read over Mitchell's text and wasn't proud to admit but the two kisses at the end of the text forced me to read it. 

Kelsey Campbell: Thanks for last night, it was fun. We should do it again before I leave the country xx

I read over the text repeatedly, an unsettling feeling built in the pit of my stomach but I didn't want to overthink and jump to conclusions. If Mitchell had something to hide, he wouldn't have left his phone on the pedestal while he soundly slept. Although, the small insecure part of me wanted to check if he still had the same passcode or if he changed it. 

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