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Luke's Point of View:

The weekend away that we all spent together was amazing. We all enjoyed it and I just hope that Marie says Kenzie can go on tour with us so that we can spend more time like that. Over the past week since that weekend she has been fairly distant from us and I'm getting slightly worried. She isn't eating as much, she's staying up later and getting up earlier plus she's spending a lot more time at the gym and I'm becoming seriously worried of how much her body can handle. She acts like she's invincible but she's really not and I can see it's beginning to take its toll on her fragile body. I keep asking her what's wrong but she won't tell me, She's isolated her feelings with an emotional brick wall so whenever I ask she just smiles and tells me that she's fine. I know that she's not though and I'm doing everything I can to break down her walls so that I can help her. It's Friday today and we find out tomorrow whether we can bring her on tour with us and in all honesty I'm dreading the phone call. I walk over to my room and just before I enter I listen in on Kenzie and Mikey's conversation. "Michael please just drop it. I'm not going to classes today and you know damn well why." What the hell is going on?

"Kenzie just come to classes, at least wait until you know whether you're coming with us before you doing anything stupid." He pleaded and I had to resist the urge to go in and ask what was going on but I refrained. I shouldn't even be listening in on the conversation but I couldn't move. My feet were glued to the floor.

"I've already spoke to her and I know I can't come." My entire world was just ripped out from under my feet. I stepped away from the door and just in time because she came walking out in her uniform pretending she was going to classes. She looked at me but I couldn't say anything, I wanted to but the words just wouldn't leave my throat. "Hey I'm heading out after class but I should be back later for tea." She lied still trying to pretend she was going to classes. She didn't wait for a response before leaving the dorm. "I'm guessing you heard that?" Michael sighed, sitting down on the couch and resting his head in his hands.

"Where is she going?" Something just didn't seem right to me and I needed to know because wherever she's going I have a feeling that it's going to end badly.

"I can't tell you." He groaned and I understood. She was his sister after all and if she doesn't want him to tell me then his loyalty lies to her first. It would be exactly the same for me if it was the other way round. I couldn't stop thinking about it all through classes today. I tried texting her numerous times but didn't get any response and as the day droned on I became increasingly more worried. "Please Mikey I need to know where she's gone, I'm getting worried." I pleaded the desperation evident in my voice.

"All I can tell you is you'll find out when you need to know but other than that she's safe and you have no need to worry." His words were comforting but his voice didn't exactly back it up. It was shaky and fluctuating in level as though he was going to break down and cry. I was getting really worked up over it now so I tried phoning her but it just went straight to voicemail making me sigh in defeat. I just tried to concentrate as best as I could on the work in front of me so I had some sort of distraction. It didn't work in the slightest so by the time my final lecture of the day finished and I met up with the boys my frustration levels were through the roof. "Hey me and Cal are going out tonight if you fancy coming with." Ash offered but both Mikey and I declined.

"I can't I have an essay to finish writing." Michael excused politely.

"No thanks I'm just not up for it." I shrugged as we opened the door. True to their word Ash and Cal got ready straight away and headed back out for food before hitting the clubs. I sat in the kitchen with Michael while he wrote his essay constantly questioning him on where she was. Each time he refused to answer and now he wasn't even bothering to respond verbally; just looking at me with that 'seriously' look in his eyes that was telling me he was fed up. "Jesus Luke shut up I need to get this finished." He groaned when I asked again. "If I could tell you then I would but for now you're just going to have to suck it up and wait." I finally got the hint walking into the living room to watch T.V. I put some film on but my mind wouldn't focus on the film. Instead it kept wandering back to my girlfriend and all the infinite possibilities of where she could be.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now