Getting to know each other

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Sister? It was the only thing my brain could think right now as I tried to process what was happening. I remained calm knowing that getting myself worked up over it wouldn't help, especially since I'm in a car and don't have the best reputation for sticking to speed limits. "What are you on about?" I asked as calmly as possible giving the current situation.

"I didn't mean to tell you like that." He half mumbled. He was being one hundred percent honest with me. "I was planning on telling you properly not just accidentally letting it slip but it's too late now." He sighed. Right now he was just making me angrier at our parents. If they had already had one kid which they didn't want then why the hell did they have another two? "Say something please." He begged but I just don't know what to say to him.

I can't just ignore this and hope it goes away. I've learnt the hard way that that method doesn't work. "I don't know what to say Mikey." I spoke truthfully as we finally pulled into my driveway. "How do you know I'm your sister?"

"I knew as soon as I saw you my first day of college. I've met you before but I highly doubt you'll remember it. I definitely knew it was you when our bitch of a mother showed up." Thank god he feels the same way about her that I do.

"Who else knows?"

"Just my parents and your parents." I unfastened my seatbelt stepping out of the car and into the cool night air. I was struggling for things to say. "Can we talk about this tomorrow I need some time to think?"

"I'm sorry I told you the way that I did Kenzie, we can talk it all through tomorrow."

"Thank you." We both went to our own rooms and thankfully Luke was still asleep cuddling the pillow. No matter how tired I felt my brain wouldn't co-operate with my body so I was awake all night.


My head never once hit the pillow as I sat crossed legged trying not to think too much. I really am my own worst enemy at times.

Finally morning came and Luke awoke not even seeming surprised that I was awake before him. I just stared vacantly at the door dreading going to have my breakfast because I knew after that I would have to talk to Michael. I don't mind the fact that he's my brother, in fact I quite like the thought, but it is an awful lot of information to take in. Especially if you're not prepared for it. Everyone was eerily silent today as we ate our breakfast. Michael and I were in a very heated staring contest as though trying to read each other's minds, in reality though I was just trying to form one single coherent thought from all the jumbled up shit running through my brain right now.

I completely spaced out. When I say completely I mean I didn't even notice everybody leaving the kitchen until only me and Michael were left. "I guess we should do some sort of brother sister thing to get to know each other better." I smiled trying to break the ice. This felt awkward.

"I know everything there is to know about you Kenzie." I gave him a sceptical look and he just smiled. "You're birthday is the 24th of July, you have two very rich and famous parents, you want to join the marines and you are one hell of a fighter. Would you like for me to continue?"

"How do you know about the marines? Nobody knows about that except my brother." And then it clicked. "You've met him before haven't you?" He shook his head.

"I've talked to him though. He told me quite a lot about you and we arranged to meet up when he came off active service." Well that never happened.

"So are you going to be my overprotective big brother? I don't mind the fact you're my brother but I don't need looking after." He chuckled at my comment not realising I was being deadly serious.

"No can do. I made a promise to look after you as much as I possibly could and I am a very honest and trustworthy person."

We sat and got to know each other a little bit better because although we had been friends we weren't that open with each other. Somewhere in the back of my mind though there was a little nagging that I just couldn't seem to shake. What if he leaves me as well? I don't think I could handle going through all of that again. He must of noticed I wasn't paying attention anymore and gently grabbed my hand holding it in both of his drawing my focus back to the real world. "Hey what's wrong?" And I guess the big brother thing starts now.

"Nothing just thinking."

"About" he pushed.

"Promise you won't leave me. If you can't promise me that then we both leave this room pretending that I know nothing about us." I know it was selfish but I know what him leaving could do to me if I let myself get attached.

My mind played flashbacks on replay as I waited for his answer. "I promise." He spoke with sincerity in his voice as he gripped my hand tighter. "I've seen you at your worst Kenzie and even though I've just met you you're still my little sister. I would travel to hell and back to keep you safe." He thinks he's seen me at my worst, how cute.

"Trust me you haven't seen half of it yet." I chuckled and his face became hard and serious.

"Remember when you got into a fight with our mother at the bar and somebody hid you in the corner behind their coat. They lied to the police saying they hadn't seen you. Or maybes the time when you got yourself so drunk you almost walked out in front of a car and somebody pulled you back. Maybes even the time when you considered killing yourself. Those two months of your life were hell and I was behind you every step of the way, watching from a distance to make sure you were okay and your heart would still be beating for another day. Trust me when I say I've seen you at your worst." Okay so maybes he had seen me at my worst. What I liked though was that he didn't judge me. He saw how broken I actually was and he didn't call me up on it or try to break me further down like some people, he just stood there, helping me get back on my feet. Keeping quiet to the outside world about what we both knew was happening inside of me.

Michael may not have been the smoothest in the way he told me but I'm damn glad he did. He was my brother and I already knew just from this conversation that I could rely on him no matter what and he could rely on me. He was going to be just like my Jordan and I was very thankful of the fact. This is my brother sat here in front of me and nothing in this world will take him away from me.

I know this is really short and sort of sucks. It's really late at night and I'm super tired so I sort of rushed this. Also I'm not feeling too great so I couldn't be bothered today but I knew it had to be updated. Sorry it sucks. The next chapter will be better, I promise. Please vote, comment and also check out some of my other writings. Love you guys.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now