Start Again

298 16 1

I got the test halfway unwrapped from the toilet paper before wrapping it back up. I couldn't do it. I closed my eyes laying back into the couch before reaching for my phone and scrolling through my contacts for somebody to phone. I came across Abbie's number and worked out the time difference before phoning her and pressing the phone to my ear. "Hey Kenzie." I could practically hear the smile in her voice.
"Hey Abz." I spoke back half heartedly. "Are you free to talk because I could really use some advice right now."
"Yeah of course I'm free to talk." I could hear her saying something in the background. "Josh can you get Genny please while I'm on the phone."
"Wait who's Genny?" I asked confused.
"Our little girl. Her real name is actually Genesis but we mostly just call her Genny." For a moment all of my problems just completely left my mid.
"Oh my god why didn't you tell me, how old is she?" I couldn't contain the excitement in my voice.
"Two months, she looks so much like Josh its unbelievable. We were going to ask a favour of you Kenzie?"
"Anything," I smiled glad she couldn't see me because I couldn't keep the stupid smile off my face for more than two seconds and it was starting to annoy me a little but I chose instead to relish in the feeling of happiness.
"We were wondering if you would be her godmother. Were planing on getting her christened when she's six month old and we really want you to be part of her life." My heart just swelled to three times its normal size.
"Of course I will, you didn't even need to ask."
"Good, now what advice did you need to talk to me about?" She came back onto the subject we had originally been on and my breath hitched in my throat. I might just make up and excuse because I don't know if I'm ready to face the music yet. Then again, I was the one who made my bed and now I must lay in it.
"When you found out you were pregnant with Genny how did you feel?" I bit my lip as I waited for her answer.
"Honestly I was scared and felt like my world was ending."Okay well that did not make me feel any better. "And then after crying for a full hour straight and telling Josh I couldn't have been happier. It was a struggle to get our heads round at first and I had to give up football and college but as soon as I held her tiny fragile body in my arms I knew it was worth it." Now that made me feel a little but better. I could hear Josh in the background and Abbie sighed at him and I could just picture her rolling her eyes at him while he did the same to her. "Josh said if you're pregnant he will come over there and personally kick Luke's ass."
"Well I don't know why he would kick Luke's ass but I'm up for that." I giggled.
"What the hell are you on about?'
"I slept with this guy called Blake that I've known for a while and we were drunk and I can't remember whether or not we used protection and now I'm scared to look at the pregnancy rest that is currently sat in front of me." I took a long deep breath. "Oh and tell Josh he's not killing Blake either because I know this is on speaker." I huffed.
"How did you know?" She asked.
"Because its Josh, of course he wants to know every little detail if I think I'm pregnant because he needs to know who he has to kill."
"You know me oh too well Kenzie." I heard Josh shout through the phone and I laughed lightly. "Okay it's just me and you, I took it off speakerphone." He reassured. "Are you pregnant or not?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "I'm too scared to look at the result because if its positive it could ruin my life."
"I wish I could be there to help but you have to look Kenzie. You can't just go on without knowing. I can stay on the phone if it makes you feel any better."
"Thank you." I breathed out as I once again began to unwrap it my hands shaking uncontrollably and I'm sure he could hear me breathing down the phone my breathing had gone that chaotic. I closed my eyes as I finished unwrapping it and sucked in a deep breath trying to calm down and control my heart which was working on overdrive. I slowly opened one eye to look at it but chickened out again. I can't know. "It's negative." I lied down the phone and he breathed out a sigh if relief as did I the only different being that mine was completely and utterly fake.
"See it wasn't too bad was it?"
"No it wasn't, thanks for the support."
"Anytime Kenzie, I'm going to have to go cause Genny won't stop crying, love you."
"Love you to." I sighed hanging up the phone. I stood up completely disregarding the test on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen to make myself a glass of water. I'm absolutely pathetic. I walked out of the kitchen and straight into my room so I could lie in my bed taking a couple of sleeping pills to help me go to sleep since I had wasted most of the day at even at half eleven at night when I was more than tired my mind wouldn't shut up long enough for me to sleep. I would check it in the morning after a proper nights sleep when my brain wasn't as fuzzy with all of the thoughts in there right now. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.
I was not very happy when I woke up the sound of the tv in my hotel room and walked out to see Michael happily flicking through the channels without a care in the world. "Mikey it's eight in the morning and for once I would like to actually sleep past ten o'clock. I'm way to sleep deprived and need a good, full nights rest which means not having you wake me up. I huffed rollin my eyes about to walk back into my room to sleep again.
"How long have you gone without sleep?" He questioned and I tried my best to remember.
"Forty eight hours I think.' I sighed. I think the longest I have ever gone with no sleep whatsoever has been ninety six hours and I swear it absolutely killed me, I don't want to ever repeat it. It wouldn't be too bad if I sat around and did nothing all day but that's not the case, I'm a very active person and I'm always doing something which makes sleep deprivation one of my worst nightmares ever. I'm still fully functional and can continue with my day to day business but it makes me feel as though I could just drop at any minute and that's not a nice feeling which is really difficult to overcome and push through. "Well not anymore because I slept last night but not enough."
"Okay well go back to bed and ill be waiting here for you when you wake back up." he smiled and I just groaned and walked away back to bed letting my body fall into the soft mattress. I didn't get back to sleep so after half an hour I gave up and went to watch the tv with him sitting on the opposite end of the couch so I could curl up into a ball so I was comfy. Next thing I knew he paused the tv and turned to face me expectantly. "I'm presuming you haven't yet looked at this?" He raised an eyebrow pointing to the test on the coffee table from yesterday and I shook my head letting my gaze fall to the floor. "Would you like to know what it says?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Not really." He sighed and wrapped an arm around me pulling me into his chest and held me there for a few seconds before letting me to and holding me arms length away from him. "Okay, I'll have a look." I took a deep breath before finally finding the balls to unwrap it from the toilet paper and look at it. I honestly almost fainted at the result and I felt all of the colour drain from my face as I went momentarily dizzy. My heart was racing in my chest as I tried to take in more air to stop myself collapsing onto the floor. "Hey it's negative that's good isn't it?" Michael smiled while I still tried to control the relief flooding through my system making me feel like this.
"Yeah, it's great." I smiled breathing a small breath if relief while he looked at me with skepticism.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I lied reaching for my phone to text Blake. I wouldn't tell him about the whole pregnancy scare thing but I would at least let him know that everything was fine know that I actually knew myself that it was.
"Kenzie..." Michael groaned taking my phone out of my hand in order to get me to talk to him and I sighed.
"Nothing I'm happy, it's what's I wanted." The truth was I didn't know what was wrong but something deep down inside of me was bugging me about the entire situation and it frustrated me that I couldn't figure out what it was.
"Don't lie to me," he huffed crossing his arms over his chest like a child.
"It's nothing okay, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at his childishness getting up to go to the kitchen and put the test in the bin. I gabbed a water bottle and retook my seat on the couch trying not to think too much about Michaels gaze burning holes into the side of my head. "Okay I'm going out, I shall see you when I get back." I saw him nod slightly at me as he sighed watching me pull on a pair of trainers before leaving his hotel room. I didn't go very far, just down to the tour bus hoping to be alone. I almost had a heart attack when I saw Luke sat on my bunk which was directly above his. "What the hell are you doing down here." I breathed trying to calm my racing heart.
"I wanted some time to think." He shrugged and I nodded pulling myself up to sit beside him. "I miss you Kenzie."
"I didn't realise I had gone anywhere," I joked and he playfully punched my arm.
"You know what I mean. I miss the way things used to be between us, I miss having you around all the time and waking up to your body cuddled into mine. I just miss you." He confessed and I lay my head on his shoulder feeling his arm wrap around my waist to hold me in place, as the I was going to run away from him. "Do you ever wish you could turn back time?"
"Every day." I replied without hesitation. "I think back to what I used to be like before I went to boarding school, before Jordan died, before I first met my real parents. I wish none of that had happened and yet if it didn't I wouldn't be the person I am today. In fact I probably wouldn't be here today with all the stupid crap I did when I was younger, I should be dead a thousand times over by now."
"I thought you liked boarding school."
"Boarding school was my way of saving myself. I got in with the wrong people at school and I did some things I'm not proud of. I loved it but it changed me and I can't change back. Boarding school is what made me the emotional robot I am today." He lay down on the bed pulling me with him so I was lying with my head on his chest listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.
"How?" I just shook my head at him. "Please Kenzie, just one last question. It will be the last question about your past that I ever truly want to know, I want to know what screwed you up emotionally."
"We were taught that we needed only three emotions; happiness, anger and success. In that school they broke you down and built you back up to be as strong as possible, they turned us into the perfect marines really just some of us never went into the core. The only problem is they didn't just break you down once. They took a human being and stripped them right down, if the weren't emotionally strong enough they would destroy them and rebuild, if they weren't physically fit enough they would tear you tear and build you up again. Then there was honour core."
"What was honour core."
"They were what most people liked to call the enforcers. They were students who had nearly as much power as the teachers and if the teachers couldn't break you then they sure as hell would. They studied you and exploited your weaknesses. They took a human and they tore them down brick by brick until they were just a shell. They turned them into the perfect person but they destroyed the person in the process and once the damage was done it was irreversible. I was quite a good target for them because I would not conform to there rules."
"Why?" He's very questionative today.
"Because there was a young girl in my PT class and she wasn't as physically fit as the rest of us and she couldn't handle it. She hit the deck about thirty minutes into the lesson and we were instructed not to help her until she stood on her own two feet. I disobeyed a direct teacher order and that night honour core stepped in."
"What the hell did they do to you?" He breathed his imagination no doubt going wild by now. "How could they do that to a person."
"It was what we signed up for, it was what they were trained to train us to do. We were the worlds next generation of perfect soldiers." I could hear his heartbeat getting faster and faster as I talked. "You want to know the best part about all of this. They fucked me up and I'm still thankful for it." I chuckled quietly and he tightened his grip on me. "They fucked me up and yet I would let them do it all over again."
"Why would you want that? Why would anyone want that?" I swear I could hear pain in his voice at the mere thought of it.
"Because it got results. I am living proof that there methods worked. The only thing I would do if I could turn back time would be to thank them."
"You are stronger than you will ever realise Kenzie." He mumbled in my ear.
"So would you change anything if you could turn back time?" I heard him humming quietly as he contemplated his answer.
"Yeah I think there would be. I would have never hurt you, I would have fought harder but most of all I would have been there for you as a friend when you needed me most."
"Well why don't you start now because I could really do with a friend." I smiled and he sat me up moving me slightly away from him so we could both sit criss crossed facing each other.
"Why don't we start again. From the very beginning?" He suggested.
"I would like that."
"Hi I'm Lucas Robert Hemmings, what's your name." He extended his hand which I took in my own to shake while telling him my name.
"McKenzie Leigh Murray." I barely whispered.. This was what I had wanted since the entire thing with me and Luke started. I had only ever wanted just one more chance to start agin. Now I've got it and I'm grasping it with both hands.

This hasn't been checked because I wanted to get it updated before I go away for the weekend. I will check and update it when I get back home on Monday night so until then I apologise for any mistakes I may have made. I really hope you enjoyed it, please vote and comment. Love all you guys.

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