Take the first shift

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To say things had been awkward was an understatement. I drew myself away from the boys just so I didn't have to be around Luke as much and Bret had started to pick up on my constant excuses. "I don't feel well, do I have to go?" I whined to him as he sat on the end of my bed trying to convince me to get up and dressed.

"You can't hide from Luke forever. You're going to have to face him eventually."

"How did you know it was Luke I was avoiding?" I should have known that he knew.

"Because whenever he isn't there you have no problem sitting with the boys. I don't know what's gone on between you both but this is important so you're going to have to get ready."

"Okay." I sighed kicking the blankets off my body and walking to the bathroom. I took the longest shower I could in hopes it would make me late but Bret had other ideas as he banged on the door so hard I'm surprised it didn't break. "Get out of the shower Kenzie!" He shouted through the door and I sighed quietly to myself before turning off the water and wrapping a towel around my body. "The stylists have already picked your outfit all you have to do is put it on." I nodded at him and walked into my room.

"You have got to be kidding me." I groaned seeing what I was expected to wear. It was a long sleeved, pink, translucent blouse with a black pencil skirt that fell mid-thigh. Then they expected me to wear black heels that were so high I thought I would topple over when I put them on. "Bret I can't wear this." I complained and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Kenzie but it's what you have to wear." I groaned in frustration but nodded never the less. He exited the room as I dropped the towel to pull on a matching set of underwear and then the outfit I had to wear. Everything about it just felt wrong, it just wasn't me. Once I was done I checked the time and loaded up my laptop. It was time for mine and Blake's first Skype call since he got deployed. I loaded up Skype and hit the call button waiting for his face to flash across my screen and when it did he was all smiles. "Hey baby," he waved at me and I waved back at him. "I miss you."

"I miss you to Blake. I really wish you were here. How are things going over there."

"Everything's quiet actually. We've not had any problems since we got here and I'm just hoping that will last. They're sending us to steal one of their communication devices tomorrow." My heart leapt into my mouth and I swallowed deeply before nodding my head.

"Stay safe." I mumbled checking the time my heart almost breaking when I saw I had to leave.

"I always do." He smiled at me.

"I have to go babe." I mumbled and he nodded his head smiling weakly at me.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more." I closed the laptop and took a deep breath before pulling on my heels. When I stepped out of my room Bret's eyes widened so much I thought they were going to pop out of his head completely. "I don't like it." I whined and he laughed lightly at me before linking my arm and leading me down to the reception area to meet the boys.

"What the hell happened to my sister?" Mikey chuckled at me giving me a quick hug. "You look beautiful Kenzie." He complemented and I blushed a little.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mikey." I looked at the boys in turn but couldn't bring myself to meet Luke's eyes even though I could feel his burning into me. "We better go otherwise we're going to be late." They all nodded and we made our way out to the car and as per usual I was the one squashed in the middle. "How come I'm always in the middle." I pouted.

"Because you're the smallest." Calum answered with a logical answer I couldn't argue with and I rolled my eyes at him. We pulled up at our destination and when we got out camera flashes were everywhere around us. I stayed close to Michaels side with Bret on my other side as Michael wrapped an arm protectively around my waist when somebody made to grab my ass.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now