Too little too late

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I woke the next morning to a spinning room and splitting bad head. I swear it felt like somebody was hitting my head with a rock from the inside out. My entire body was in agony and I had to resist the urge to cry out as I moved to get out of bed. It had to be done so I just had to get on with it; no point in complaining. Thankfully I was alone as I walked out of the room and across to mine in only my underwear since somebody had removed my blood stained clothes last night. I walked in to see all four of my roommates plus Josh there and I almost died of embarrassment as I turned my back on them trying to conceal my damaged body. There was no way in hell I could allow them to see me in my current state. I knew my room like the back of my hand so I walked to my wardrobe keeping my back to them at all times and pulled out some sweats and a hoodie as well as clean underwear before heading to the bathroom to get ready. It was very difficult and painful but I managed before walking in to my room with my head down. "Josh can you give me a lift please?" I asked timidly feeling them all stare at me.

"Of course we just need to finish this conversation first." That was basically his polite way of asking me to get the fuck out.

"Thank you." I walked back out closing the door behind me and listening intently to what they were saying through the door and at first all I heard was a thud. "Go ahead hit me, punch me, kick me I deserve it. I hurt her and right now you couldn't hate me anywhere near as much as I hate myself." I could hear Luke speaking and it must have been his body hitting a wall that made the thudding noise I heard. "I won't do any of that and don't think it was an empty threat. You wouldn't be the first of her boyfriends I've beat up for hurting her but I can see in your eyes you love her. Instead I'm going to let you watch her fall apart in front of your eyes knowing it was your fucking fault, I'm going to let you see how damaged you've made her and how truly broken this girl is. Then I'm going to let you watch her pick herself up and put the pieces of her life back together knowing that it's killing you inside. She'll move on with her life in silence never letting you know she's hurt but you'll know and you'll also know it'll be your fault." Josh spat before walking out to me. "Where do you need to go?" He asked his tone completely changed from what it was two minutes ago when he was talking to Luke.

"Doctors please I have a medical test." He knew straight away what I was on about and just smiled at me. When we pulled up at the doctors he stopped me as I was getting out of the car. "Good luck." He whispered kissing my forehead before letting me go. I walked in and signed in at reception before taking a seat and waiting. I was only there for ten minutes before I was called in for my appointment, probably because its a navy medical because doctors are never on time, at least not when I'm there. "Hello Miss Murray." My doctor said looking at me and I could see him eyeing the bruise that ran all around my neck. "I was in a car accident and my tie tightened around my neck." I explained before he even had the chance to get the words out of his mouth.

"I am sorry to hear about that will it be a problem if you were to pass your medical and have to start training?" He asked.

"No." There was no hesitation in my voice and he just nodded his head slightly. Had I hesitated he would have made me take my medical at a later date and I couldn't afford to let that happen.

"Okay well we will start with your hearing test." I was taken through a standard hearing test and eye sight test. Everything else went fine until it got to the last dreaded part. "Okay if you could come this way please and we'll do your height and weight." I followed him over to the corner of the room slipping off my shoes and clothes so I was in only my bra and panties and it was the first time he had been able to see the extent of the damage caused in the crash. "Miss Murray are you sure you will be okay to start training?" He sounded sceptical.

"I'm positive everything should be fully healed by the time training commences." It was a slight lie but my body would be healed enough so he didn't need to know all of the fine details. "Okay you're height is five six so no problem there you pass height restrictions easily." I already knew that, it was my weight I was worried about. "Now please step on the scales." I did as he said and bit my lip nervously. He asked me to step off and put my clothes on and I knew then. I knew I had failed because he didn't say anything. I slipped my clothes back on grimacing slightly as I took a seat at his desk. "I'm sorry Miss you passed your fitness with flying colours but I cannot pass you. Your weight is too close to being underweight so you do not reach required medical standards. I'm sorry." He sympathised.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now