I Called It

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I grudgingly pulled myself out of bed and into the kitchen on rather unsteady legs. There was only me and Luke in the apartment because the others had all gone out. I had a feeling that he didn't go because of me and it made me feel slightly guilty. "You okay?" He asked snaking his arms around my waist. I stupidly nodded my head sending a wave of pain and nausea straight through me and I winced slightly.

"What is it with you? It's as though you're scared to admit that you're not okay." He chuckled bringing me into his chest. I sat down and lay my head on the table as he handed me two tablets and a bottle of water. I swallowed them both and took a dink of the water to wash away the taste since I can't take tablets with water placing the cap back on and putting it down onto the table. Just the little amount of water I had consumed had made me feel like I was going to be sick again. "You were pretty drunk last night." He chuckled at me. He quite clearly hadn't figured it out yet so I just played along. What's the point in bringing it up now?

"I know. Never again." I mumbled. He picked me up and I snuggled into his chest as he carried me with him into the living room before putting the T.V on and switching to the news channel. I was paying absolutely no attention to what the reporter was saying until something caught my interest.

'A nightclub in London is now closed pending an investigation into the spiking of young women's drinks. It is thought that a group of men have been working together in Kiss to spike young vulnerable women's drinks with date rape drugs. Among those drugged is believed to be seventeen year old.' I quickly changed the channel before my name was said. I didn't want Luke wondering why my name was so important it was on the news. "You weren't drunk were you?" He asked pulling me closer to him as though trying to protect, from what I didn't know, and I shook my head timidly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried to last night but I couldn't get my words out." My phone burst into life showing my mother's caller ID so I answered it immediately. "Hey mam."

"Hi honey are you okay I've just seen the news." Worry laced her voice as it rung through the phone.

"I'm fine I was already in when the drug kicked in. I suppose it's all over the internet now is it?"

"No we have managed to stop most things from being published online. That's why we have computer techs." She knew me way to well. She knew I hated having things posted about me online but I knew it was inevitable. No matter how hard I tried to stop it something was always posted and people always found out. Just sometimes it was worse than others.

"I love you honey."

"Love you too can you tell dad I love him too please."

"Okay bye." She hung up and my phone immediately began ringing again.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked before I even had a chance to say hello.

"I'm fine."

"You wouldn't tell me even if you're not. It's not in your nature to admit you're hurting. It's as though you're scared."

"Funny Luke said the same thing before. Is Abbie okay?"

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu