Broken Hearts and Black Eyes

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Mckenzie's point of view:

When we finally calmed down last night we made it to bed. Then again I'm saying last night. We didn't stop throwing pillows until well past two this morning. Luke woke me this morning as he sounded as though he was coughing up his lungs. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge taking it to him as I sat on the edge of the bed. He looked deathly pale and I could feel heat radiating from his body even though he had no shirt, no covers over him and the window was wide open. He took the bottle from me gratefully and took big gulps. "I'm not going to classes today." He stated and I understood why. There was a bug going round at the moment and by the looks of it he had caught it.

"Okay." I kissed his forehead and went to get ready. When I saw Ash this morning he didn't look too great either but he was nowhere near as bad as Luke was. I had a free hour this morning so I went to the college library. I pulled out my book sitting in a far corner of the library away from everyone else and began reading in peace. "What're you reading?" I shot my head up to see Michael grinning down at me.

"Andy Mcnab Firewall." I replied simply before returning to my book. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I did come to read but I'm too lazy." He smirked laying down and placing his head in my lap staring up at the ceiling.

"Aww poor Michael would you like me to read to you?" I joked not thinking he would actually take me up on my offer.

"Yeah actually I would." I looked down at him and he smiled nodding his head at me as I began reciting the words on the page.

'I placed my right index finger back on the trigger. Tilting the weapon up so the grip was near his face, I made sure he saw me remove the safety catch with my thumb and heard the click. I didn't need to explain the facts of life to him.' I carried on reading for the remainder of my free time. "You'll have to read to me again sometime." Michael said as we stood up and I shoved the book back in my bag.

"Michael what are you? Three?" I mocked.

"Please Kenzie I was enjoying it and need to find out what happens next." I finally gave in to his pleading whines and he smirked triumphantly. As the day droned on I started to doodle in my notebook and didn't notice Michael leaning over my shoulder until I felt his breathing on the back of my neck. "Can I help you?" I smiled at him closing my notebook.

"Yeah you can re-open your book." I shook my head at him. "Why not I just want to see what you've drawn?" I reluctantly tossed him my book and he flipped through the pages neither of us paying attention to the lesson being taught. He stopped on a picture of Luke and I could feel myself blush as he smirked at me. "I was bored and had nothing else to draw."

"What so you don't have just the slightest little bit of a crush on him."

"Mikey we're not two anymore. Nobody says the word crush anymore." I whined skillfully trying to avoid the quetion even though I knew plenty of people still used that word.

"That's not the point you're avoiding the question."

"Maybe's just a little." I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear but from the smirk on his face I knew he did. For the rest of the day he kept smiling at me and making love hearts with his hands proving that he has a two year old's mentality age if that. I walked in to see Ash lying on the couch looking ill. "Right Ash come on let's get you too bed." He went to walk into his room before I stopped him.

"No stay in the spare bed in my room. Two sick boys is bad enough we don't want four." He didnt object as he went into my room. I walked in after him to check on Luke as well. He was fast asleep sweat dripping down his forehead. I wet a cloth and placed the damp fabric over his head before I left the two boys to sleep in peace. I finally went to bed at one this morning after everyone else was asleep but Luke woke up in the middle of the night being sick. I soothingly rubbed his back as he sat on the bathroom floor. "Go back to bed." He mumbled cuddling into me defeating the object of telling me to leave in the first place. "I don't want you feeling sick as well."

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