Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

We finally landed in London. Cal had woken me up when we where about 30 minutes out. Ash was still dead asleep in my lap. I look down to see his sleeping face. Peaceful. I feel the plane start to make its decent. I don't want to wake him. I pull my phone out to send a text to Adam

LUKE: hey, please have his meds ready when we land
ADAM: hey, about that. We don't have them. Situation under control.

Reading that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. Situation under control? What is that supposed to mean? He needs to be medicated or he's gonna end up in worse condition. We landed soon after I read that text. I still don't want to wake ashton up. I lifted his head gently and stood up. I turned around and picked his body up wrapping his legs around me and throwing his arms around my neck. I got him off the plane and set him into the van and took a seat next to him. Adam jumped in the front seat and held a laptop open in front of ash.

"Wake him up." Adam says to me.

I shake him lightly causing him to open his eyes

"Tell the doctor what your on and he's gonna write you a script for it and then I'll drop you guys off at the hotel and go get it, then immediately bring it back." Adam tell us

"Zoloft, 100 milligrams." He utters and then immediately falls back asleep. Adam takes the laptop out of his lap and continues his conversation with the doctor.
I'm glad he's getting his meds back. It's what he needs. Around 15 minutes later we get dropped off at the hotel and I help ashton up to the room. We walk in and see two rooms with only one bed in each.

"Do you wanna sleep with ashton this time? Ya know just because you've been the primary care taker." Cal ask me. I just nodded my head and guided ashton to the room. He immediately crashed into the bed.

"Ash, come on buddy you gotta shower, not gonna lie you need to use soap this time." I say.  He groans in response and gets up and heads into the bathroom. As he goes to shut the door I follow him in.

"What are you doing?" He questions

"After the whole thing on the plane, I think it's better if I just watch." I say I sit down on the floor and cover my eyes to give him some privacy.

"You can open them." He says. He's sitting down with his knees to his chest with his arms crossed over to hide himself. He obliviously doesn't have the energy right now so I grab the hotel shampoo from the shelf and start to later it through his hair. I turn the detachable shower head on and start to rinse it out. I then take a wash cloth with some of the soap on it and rub it on his back. When I get to his arms he won't move to let me. This is his chance to be honest with me.

"Let me wash your arms ash." I say


"Why's that?" I ask as set the wash rag down. His head turns to me with tears in his eyes.

"Because I messed up, you didn't see the other arm on the plane." He says. I'm glad he's being honest with me

"It's okay, after we get done here, we can get in bed and watch something till you fall asleep and then after your sleeping I'll shower." I say as I pick the wash rag back up and take his arm to clean him. When I finished I grabbed a towel and handed it to him and turned around to close my eyes. When I knew he was decent I turned back. His body was frail  and thin.

"You think you could eat?" I ask, His eyes are filling  panic? Why? I walk outta the bathroom and grab some cloths for him. I take my sweatpants from my suitcase and one of his hoodies, and a pair of boxers and hand them to him. He looks at me with such sadness. I close my eyes as he puts the boxers on and then I help him get dressed.

"Come here." I motion and I pull him into a hug, just letting him know he's safe with me.

"Legs up and arms around." I tell him as I pick him up and we walk into the main part of the hotel room. Adam always has snacks and things stocked for us so there should be something for ash to eat. I set him down on the couch and look around to see what there is.

"Would you eat like room service? Or is that to much?" I ask

"I want a burrito." I hear him say

I pick up the phone and call downstairs to tell them our order and they say it will be up soon. I hang the phone up and turn back to ash. He's sitting on the couch. Lifeless. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"Do you wanna cuddle?" I say. With no response back he places his head in my lap with his knees curled up to his chest. I haven't seen him this bad in awhile. He looks so cute. Why did I think that? Did I just think my best friend is cute?? I hear a knock at the door and gently life his head off my lap. Opening the door I take the food and thank the delivery person. Shutting the door behind me I walk back over to ashton and hand him the bag. He looks at it with hesitation and takes it from me. He opens the burrito up and takes a few small bites of it. So far he's keeping it down. That's good. After a few more he rewraps it and sets it down on the table. He gets up and heads into our room. Instead of going into the bathroom he pulls the covers back on the bed and climbs in. I slide in next to him. His body is facing away from me, since he is laying on his side. I pull him into me and rub small circles on his tummy. When I touched his stomach he tensed up? I wonder why he did? He turns around and has his head in my chest, I move my hand to his upper back and slowly trace the boney parts of it. He soon falls sleep in my arms.

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