~Closing words, special mentions~

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Writing Fire&Water... has been a rollercoaster of emotions to go through, to graze the tip of the ice berg. There's many things I'd like to say when thinking back onto the very first day I ever published on this platform at all. I didn't think I'd ever reach this point, had no clue what I might experience. With all this said, if I had a choice to get back all the hours I put into this fanfic...

I wouldn't return them~

 To those who may not understand this particular A/N, at 2:40am, January 21, 2022, I wrote the final line of this Tanjiro×Reader, after working on it for nearly two years. I never expected it to reach this size;' honestly thought it was going to end at 60 chapters :D

My writing skills have undoubtedly improved ever since then. Compare the very first chapter to the last, there's been a humongous leap in skill that... I don't even know how to describe the journey of. My hand in writing is still evolving and shaping every day, and I hope you'd stick around to see the growth!

If I could go absolutely everything that I'd like to discuss, this closer would be as long as my average chapter word-count (it's a rarity now not to reach at least 4000 words for some chapters). What I'd like to say is that I'm grateful, far beyond that, and I thank each person for the support they've given me throughout this book. I wouldn't have made it nearly as far as I did without seeing all the comments posted, reading how some fans would start from the beginning again just to read for a second time. :>

The people I've gotten to meet and experience on here have truly warmed my heart, it isn't possible for me to stress how much this all has helped. Writing this fanfic changed a lot of things for me!!! <3

For the OGs who've been here through it all (you know who you are, don't worry~), it warms my heart to see you leave your crazy thoughts down below, and I always get so excited when I recognize your usernames! Watching from afar as you go absolutely hysterical over what I've written, know that there was never  a dull moment with you around~

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou... thankyou, and-... Did I already say Thankyou? <:)

An extra shoutout to my loves, who were there at the start of it all, @fat_bitch_p and @06jasdaz87248 !! You especially gave me what it take to make it through this, your help, your feedback, and the endless mountains of love, I cherish everything to the very ends of the earth! There were times when I read unpublished chapters to you like audio books, and I still think about those times to this day!

*proceeds to spiral into madness of thankyous* 

As the last time  publishing on Fire and Water, I will give you all a chance to ask your last few questions about the book, anything that you might want to be answered that's on your mind! Of course, with in humane reason <:)

Closing words, closing words... thankyou, if I haven't already said it enough!! To read all the way up to this closer, I thank you dearly. I'm touched~ 

With luck that we can meet once more on this platform, whether in another book, or even here again; This has been Pepper with Fire&Water, 

I hope you enjoyed~

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