Bad A/N

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Hello, my beautiful readers, it's me, THE AUTHOR! :D

Sorry if I seem so out of character right at the start of an A/N with a title such as this, but I'm still trying to be optimistic!

Recently, a lot of things have been happening, changing, and- sorry to be blunt- terrible! In this announcement, I'm here to touch on all of those issues as; I have promised to inform you all if anything happens.

First off, I'd like to start off with the 'slightly' better news, that; after this week's chapter, publishes will be going back to Saturday's for a seven-day period.

This WAS supposed to happen later on in the month, but my school district has begun school at the middle of August, instead of somewhere near the start of September. :/

It came at a short notice, not to mention that I was highly unprepared and have been thrown off schedule. *cries dramatically*

Though, there is something else that needs to be focused on- it's ironic how messed up things have become in the span of only one week... >:P

I apologize to everyone reading this, but I will be going on a hiatus for however long it takes. <:[

As of lately, I've been having drastic difficulties with the device I use to write and publish (which being, my laptop). Luckily, I drafted the final edit of the recent chapter on Wattpad before the issues arose, but after that point; I've been unable to work on the next upcoming post at all.

I have tried multiple solutions to get things up and running again, but they've all come up to failing.  UmU

I wanted to adress this with you all before things really got out of hand, and I turned up next Saturday, being late for publishing day with no explanation. I assure you, as soon as things get worked out, I will be back and ready to continue Fire×Water once more!

For the time being, I hope everyone can be patient! If you need any questions answered, I will still be on the platform via my phone, ready to reply! :D

I understand that this A/N was a lot longer then others in the past, but please bear with me here!

Thankyou to those who have continued to read Fire×Water up to this point, I love you all so much for the support!

I'll say it again, if you have any comments, question, or concerns, please write them down below, I'm always willing to talk with tou lovelies!

Stay well peeps, remember to practice the current COVID-19 saftey tips, and I'll see you

fire & water (TanjiroxReader)Where stories live. Discover now