Chapter 1: Sharingan

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Disclaimer: I still don't own Naruto.


Everything's not okay.

The team was still making their way through Hi No Kuni, the Fire Country. The walk was mostly calm and easy going, although sometimes it got hard to ignore that old-drunk and his boisterous attitude. How could someone brag so much about a Bridge?

Other than a few questions asked by Sakura for the sake of making conversation, not much had been going on.

Naruto was mostly annoyed at the speed they were going but there was little he could do while escorting a civilian so he had to suck it up and be patient.

Sadly for him, patience was never his virtue, being the son of Uzumaki Kushina granted him incredible stamina and endless energy and that wasn't always a good thing, Naruto was also an orphan and while his crave for attention was greatly diminished after finding out about his mother and his clan, he still wanted the opportunity to prove himself to others which led to a Naruto - and a brooding Sasuke who made a very good job at hiding it - who was itching for something 'interesting' to happen.

That might've not been the best thing to hope for.

Not long after team 7 along with Tazuna crossed the border on their way to Nami, they were ambushed by a pair of Chunin level missing nin from Kiri called Gozu and Meizu the 'Demon Brothers''.

Kakashi decided to stand down and let his students take on the attackers, Sasuke was able to successfully defeat one of the brothers with the use of well aimed shuriken and pure taijutsu skill while Sakura stood in front of Tazuna in order to guard him, unfortunately, Naruto froze on the scene after being led to believe his sensei was dead, which caused him to received an attack from a poisoned claw courtesy of one of the attackers.

After interrogating Tazuna and their captives - and swiftly ending their lives without the knowledge of his students - Hatake Kakashi decided to leave it up to the kids to choose whether or not they'll continue with the mission or go back to Konoha.

In a moment of Bravado Naruto stabbed his own hand to get rid of the poison and swore on his blood to protect the client at all costs and never freeze up that way again.

Sasuke's case was based on him wanting to prove himself against strong opponents. Sakura just went along with whatever he said.

Kakashi accepted the decision and carried on with the mission without informing the village or requesting back-up.

Big Mistake.

Not long after, they were attacked by a Jounin level ninja whose name was Momochi Zabuza the 'Demon of the Mist'.

After dodging a flying sword from the eccentric ninja a big battle with impressive use of Suiton Jutsu took place. The fight ended with Zabuza being pierced in the neck by 3 senbon needles courtesy of a Kiri Hunter Nin and a collapsing Kakashi who had to be carried all the way to the Bridge Builder's house due to chakra exhaustion.

After Kakashi regained consciousness he informed his team that the Hunter Nin who took Zabuza away didn't follow proper procedure which most likely meant they were allied with the former, meaning the Demon of the Mist was most likely still alive.

That same day Kakashi decided that his under-trained and under-prepared Genin needed to improve their Chakra control for the upcoming fight, not that they knew more than one jutsu to truly benefit from being able to better control their chakra but at least they wouldn't be wasting as much as they used to.

Just like Kakashi predicted, a battle is taking place on the bridge they were meant to protect. Zabuza and Kakashi are both at a stalemate while the Hunter nin has both Naruto and Sasuke trapped in a dome of Ice mirrors.

Sharingan No Narutoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें