discovery. (18+)

Comincia dall'inizio

I knew the other absentee was Pedro, Alma's late husband- but still one remained that I could not recall.

Before I could read his name, I heard a thud.

Now, a thud was all fine and well- but a thud from inside a wall behind a painting was strange.

I clocked a small gap in the paint-strokes, hesitantly leaning down to peer in.

Blinking, I looked through the crack.

What I didn't expect was another eye staring right back at me.

I yelped, falling back onto my ass.

"What the fuck-?" I spoke quite loudly, quickly standing up. "Julieta-!" I called out to my friend, beginning to power walk away from whatever the fuck was behind there.

A wooden bang made me scurry even faster.

"Shit, shit, shit-" I heard anxious mumbling from behind me, a pair of footsteps joining mine.

Just as I was about to exit out into the main area, a pair of arms were thrown around my torso, yanking me back to the kitchen.

"AH-!" My yelp was cut short, a hand slapping itself over my mouth as I was pushed against the wall behind a pillar.

"Shut up! I mean- please just-" My captor shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

The energy around him felt insanely nervous, eyes darting around his surroundings.

I calmed myself, it didn't seem like he was... a threat. He was barely taller than me and seemed more scared of coming face to face with me than I was.

As I scanned over him, he struck me as familiar. Then it clicked.

He was in the family portrait.

Why was he being so weird though?

I squirmed under his hold on me, snapping him back into the moment.

"Oh, sorry- sorry." He let go of me gently, moving a piece of hair out of my face that had been messed up in the slight time of chaos.

He gave a sheepish smile, watching me quite... intently.

I kept a straight face, still observing his features.

He was a looker for sure.

"Y/n?" Julieta's voice called out, nearing our direction. I swear I saw pure panic in the man's eyes as he yanked me back to the painting by my arm.

I grunted, being pulled inside the now.. opened.. canvas.

As soon as I was within the walls, he shut the entryway.

I collected myself, dusting off my dress.

"Okay so as I was saying- what the fuck?" I turned to the man, gesturing to his... cave? I didn't know what to call it. There were rats everywhere.

It also stunk of weed. Like STRONGLY. I'm amazed the scent didn't bleed out into the rest of the house.

"Oh, this? It's my room." He proudly smiled, making me furrow my brows.

He seemed more comfortable now that our interaction was concealed within the walls.

"Why weren't you at dinner- why are you in... here?"

His face turned slightly bitter, thinking over my words.

"I'm... Bruno."


Bruno Madrigal x Reader - (18+)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora