bonita. (SFW)

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another story in the 'years' au bc I love the concept of bruno having kiddos

It must've been around 8 am when I was with my daughters in the kitchen.

Today, the rest of the family had decided to sleep in, so it was just us three lounging in the room lit by the orangey sunrise.

My oldest- Cecile- was helping me stir the porridge on the stove as I stood next to her, elbows on the counter.

My hips collided with the cold tiled surface, but I was comfortable nonetheless.

My younger daughter Naomi was sat at the table, scribbling away on her little sketching pad.

It was quiet, the only sounds being the occasional instruction or hum from me to Cecile as she made the food under my guidance.

I heard distant footsteps growing closer, accompanied by the soft hum of a tune I recognised.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Naomi's gaze following something behind me.

Just then, a pair of large hands lay their warm touch onto my waist, a body pressing against my relaxed figure.

Bruno rested his chin on my shoulder, hugging my torso gently.

"Good morning bonita." he mumbled his words, that sweet and comforting morning voice of his sending a fuzziness through my body.

I loved it.

"Buenos días, amor." I chuckled, tilting my head to kiss him on the nose. He scrunched his face at my action, eyes still heavy from his slumber.

I saw his smile before he burrowed his face into my shoulder.

He watched as Cecile stirred the mixture on the stove, his body never leaving the vicinity of mine.

Naomi kept drawing, her scribbling being the only sound in the room when I wasn't instructing my other daughter.

Bruno would occasionally affirm my words-

If I told Cece to add a pinch of salt, he'd make an "mhm" sound to push my orders forward. He really loved being a dad, and it was obvious.

My husband had been completely in love with our children since the day they were born. Countless photos, tiny gifts of sweets and toys- he'd do anything for them.

I was no exception, receiving kisses and attention daily. I loved him just as much as he loved me- and we both adored our children to no end.

The picture-perfect family was us. 

And this photo will burn on forever;

Bruno's arms wrapped around me in the rising sunlight, humming away in our kitchen as the smell of freshly made breakfast wafts around us.

 Our gorgeous daughters growing up before our eyes, with such bright futures ahead.

I'm thankful to be here.

I'm thankful that I'm in love with Bruno Madrigal, and I'm thankful he is in love with me.

I'm thankful for these years.


got me swinging my feet and twirling my hair n shit

adding this to my script asap

Bruno Madrigal x Reader - (18+)Where stories live. Discover now