vision. (18+)

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this ones in second person.

yall stop reading this one and use the gd chapter guide, my first attempt was literal balls i cant look at this one 💀

You knocked on the doors of the casita, an anxiousness making you bite your nails. Your mother was in poor health, and you had gone behind her back to go see Bruno Madrigal. He had been missing 10 years until a few months ago, when the casita had fallen. It was now fixed and Bruno had returned to his life at the casita.

You hoped Bruno would help you with a vision as you desperately wanted to know your mothers fate. The door to the casita was opened by Dolores; she could hear anything and everyone at all times..

"Yes?" She smiled. "Hi, I'm here to see Bruno." you rubbed your forearm nervously. Dolores let out a small squeak before gesturing you to come in. "He is in his tower, up the stairs." You stepped in, turning around to say thank you only to see Dolores had already disappeared into the casita. The door slowly shut, and the tiles of casita jumped to show you the way.

You made it to Brunos glowing door, pushing it open slowly. You walked through, observing it in all its glory. You ran your hand through the falling sand doorway, letting it all slip down back onto the ground. You held your breath, pushing through the wall of sand.

Instead of your foot landing on solid ground, you felt yourself slide down a tall slope of sand with a scream. You slid all the way to the bottom of the pit. When the large cloud of sand settled, you were faced with a nearly endless staircase and a sign reading- "Your future awaits."

You gulped, beginning to make your way up the stairs..


You finally made it to the top, taking a second to catch your breath. Your shoes clicked on the floor leading up the door, and you knocked twice. A few seconds later, he opened it. Bruno Madrigal stood in-front of you.

He leant against the doorway, giving you a confused stare.

"How did y-" you cut him off. "I'm Y/N, I- and uh.. I need your help with a vision." you gave him a pleading look, and he sighed. He gestured for you to come in, and so you did. The inside of the room was what you'd expect a bedroom to look like;

He had a large bed with dark green sheets, a bed side table with an hourglass sat on it, a couch, some paintings of... rats, a chest of drawers and more unusually; a large open space with a sand floor contrasting with the stone that covered the rest of the room.

The whole place was illuminated by some kind of green glow that seeped through the corners, other than that there wasn't much light.

"So, what did you need again?" He walked over to the couch, picking a rat up from the cushion and placing it on the arm rest as he sat down. You walked further in, following the man. "My mother, she's ill.. I need to know if she'll make it." you tried to make eye contact with the Madrigal as you sat down next to him, but he turned his head to look at his feet.

"Yep. I mean yes, I can help." He stumbled over his words like a fool. It was cute.

You made him nervous, it was like Bruno dipped at your gaze.

"Come." He stood up, walking towards the open area of sand. You followed closely behind, stepping over pieces of random tiles.

He sat down on the sand, and you sat opposite the awkward man. He took some leaves, setting them alight with a match. He brought his hands out. "You might want to hold on for this part."

You hesitated before placing your hands in his.

His Adam's apple bobbed. You saw how big his hands were in comparison to yours. He looked around for a second and almost out of panic blurted out: "You're very sweaty."

Bruno Madrigal x Reader - (18+)Where stories live. Discover now