𝚸𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐕𝐞

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"It's not crowded," Bella tells me.

She told me the conversation between her and Edward as usual, not that I mind of course.
I laugh at her response and pat her back.

"Hi!" Mike greets us.

The others introduce themselves to me. Angela (who is super pretty, by the way) and Jessica. I have met Eric before, he isn't hostile anymore, thank god.

Bella and Angela are sitting in the Van, talking about how bad Angela wants to go to prom with Eric, but he never asks her and Bella tells her to ask him instead, which is super nice of her. I change into my surf suit and so do others. Jessica asks Bella to zip her suit, so I asked Angela. She zipped up my suit and I felt my heart rate going faster.

"Thanks." I look at her, my face heating up.

"No problem." she smiles and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Bella." I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see Jacob.

"Hi, Jacob," Bella replies.

"Hey, Y/N!" Jacob raises his hand for a high-five.

"Hey, Jake!" I high-five him back.

"Guys, this is Jacob." Bella introduces him to the rest.

"Hey, guys. How are you doing?" he says.

"You guys should keep Bella company," Jessica says. "Her date bailed." Not necessary information, but okay.

"What date?" Eric asks. I feel Mike's blood boil.

"She invited Edward."

"To be polite, that's it," Bella adds.

"I think it's nice that she invited him, nobody ever does." Angela states.

"Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak." Mike comments. I try not to roll my eyes. 

"You got that right." One of Jacob's friends says and they smirk.

"You guys know him?" Bella asks.

"The Cullens don't come here..." Jacob eyed him to stop. I try to read his mind, but I... I couldn't? Wait. I try again, but still nothing.

I grab my surfboard, "I'll see you guys there." I tell Jessica, Mike, and Eric and go off to surf. I have always loved surfing. And magic is what makes it much more fun. In Phoenix, I used to sneak out at night to go to the nearest beach and make the tides a little more aggressive for fun. That's how I learned to surf.

I see Bella and Jacob walk on the beach. He likes her. I feel a little stupid. But oh well.

"Hey! Y/N!" I hear Jacob from afar. I look at him and fall from my board. I swim and eventually walk over to him as the level of water decreases. I see him laughing.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Well, I thought we didn't get to know each other as much, so here I am," he says.

"Oh, um- well..." I start, but I see Bella far behind Jacob, calling me as it was time to go back. "I gotta go right now, to be honest, but we can talk... tomorrow? Maybe?" I tell him.

"um- what about tonight? You can stay over at my place... we can eat s'mores, Dad told me you guys did that. Is it weird to ask so soon?" He asks, doubting I might be uncomfortable considering the idea.

"Oh, he told you?" I ask him awkwardly.

"Well, technically I asked him about that, but you know..." he shrugs and I feel my face heat up yet again.

"oh- um, well, I would have to ask my Dad for the night stay then... I hope he says yes." I say optimistically.

"Yeah! yeah, sure. Um- call me, I'll come to pick you up, yeah?" he says.

"Yeah, yeah sure. See ya."

"See ya, Y/N." He hugs me. See, I'm not the person who'd like physical affection, but my crushes are an exception. We break the hug to see his entire t-shirt wet, he acknowledges it and laughs.

We reach home and freshen up.  I decide to tell Bella about the night's stay.
I knock on her door.

"Come in," she says. Her tone was busy.

"Are you free right now?" I ask.

"um..." she turns around her chair to face me sitting on her bed, "I am now." I smile and head flop my stomach down on her bed. 

"Well, Jacob invited me over to his place for a sleepover... so, what would Dad say? Would he agree?" I get straight to the topic. She opens her mouth in disbelief and screeches like a little girl.

"OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!" she says.

"shhh, Dad will hear you!" I whisper shout.

"Sorry, sorry..." she laughs and gets herself together, "...it's just that, your boy crush asked you for a night stay!"

"What do you mean "boy crush"?" I ask.

"Aw, come on. I know what happens to you every time you look at Angela and especially when she zipped your suit today. Your face was SOOO red." she explains. I widen my eyes in embarrassment.

"shit! So she might know it as well by now." I slap my forehead in disappointment.

"it's okay, she found it cute, you know. You are younger than us, so it was adorable rather than anything else, don't worry." I scrunch my face, I wasn't that young, just a two-year difference, that's all.

"... I guess..." I mumble.

"Oh god, don't go into that regret phase okay? It's unbearable. And I'll convince Dad for the night stay, so go and pack your things. Also, don't forget to carry mint." she winks.

"ugh." I roll my eyes and I tried to act normal, but I was excited. I went to my room and started packing my bag – toothbrush, toothpaste, a pair of clothes (inner and outer)... and mint gum.

I hear Dad arrive home. I go downstairs for Dinner.

We talk normal things like how our day went, the trip to La Push today and I decide to break the ice.

"um, Dad?" I start.

"Yes, Y/N?" He replies.

"Well, you see..."

"Jacob invited you over for the night, yes?" he says. I whip my head up to look at him. How does he know? Does he have the same mind-reading power as I do?

"How do you know-"

"Billy called." He said and took a bite of his Lasagna.

"Oh... so may I go then?"

"Sure. BUT..." aw come on!

"yes?" I drag the "s" lazily.

"If I find out you did anything dirty-"

"ew, no! I won't! Don't complete that sentence, for the love of God." I groan. I hear him and Bella laugh hysterically.

"Always dramatic, Y/N/N," Bella says.

"You might have packed your bag, yes?" Dad asks. Since I was done with my food, I put my dishes in the dishwasher and run upstairs to get my bag.

I come down and sit on the couch to catch some breath.

Dad sits on the three-seater couch, beside Bella.

"I told him to get you at 9." He informs. I look at the clock and see it's 9:01 pm. As if on cue, I hear a car honk. Dad gets up and opens the door to invite Jacob in.

"Hey Y/N. Bella." Jacob says after greeting Dad at the door.

"Hey, Jacob." Bella replies and I wave at him with a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Alright, you can go now." Dad tells me as he's finally done Jacob telling the "rules".

Jacob opens the front door for me. "You didn't have to," I say.

"For the sake of formality," he shrugs.

We reach the car and open the door of the passenger's side of the seat. Jacob gets in and starts the car. I wave Dad and Bell goodbye. What I found a little odd was that Dad, a police chief, allowed Jacob, a fifteen-year-old to pick me up.

We reach Jacob's house. It's small and cozy, I like it very much.

"Come on in," Jacob says softly. I take off my shoes on the porch. Jacob does the same and we enter the house. I greet Billy and we go to Jacob's room. I place my bag on his study chair. I look around. The interior is the same as my room. Just different aesthetics. Mine is dark. His has bright lights.

"Come on." he pats the space beside him on the bed. I go over and have a seat.

We click almost immediately and start talking about literally every random stuff. Mythical creatures (where he tells me about the vampire-wolf treaty), his school life, his hobbies how he's working on a car he named Rabbit...

"I'm getting bored in the house," Jacob says.

"Well, it's..." I check my watch, "12, we can't go anywhere..." I shrug.

"Of course, we can! We can go to the forest." Just as he suggests this, my mind takes me to a beautiful green forest clearing (around 12 square feet), covered with a thick roof of trees, but a small hole for the sunlight to come through, enough sunlight to study, and a waterfall very near the spot... maybe this can be my new study spot. I decide to find it.

"Yeah, sure," I say as I zone back in.

"Really? Dad wouldn't be a problem. I go there all the time, sort of calms me down. I know a beautiful spot, you'll love it." he says.

"Alright..." I agree.

We go to the front door and wear our shoes. Jacob tells Billy where we are going and Billy agrees(!). Jacob comes back with a torch. We are ready to go.

We go through the thick woods, Jacob holding my hand through until we reach the spot.

We do. And it's the exact spot I had a vision about. 


Word Count - 1607

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