𝚸𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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We reach home. I wash my face and change clothes to comfier ones – a grey pajama and a black oversized t-shirt.

My phone's battery was completely drained so I went over to my dresser and opened the top-right drawer containing my charger. I connected the charger to one of the electric sockets in my room and plugged in my phone. Once it showed it was successfully charging, I went downstairs to the landline in the kitchen. I dialed Jacob's house number since he didn't have his phone, I decided to gift him one on his birthday, which I didn't know was in January, so I'll just gift him when we go to prom. I have my money all saved up!

"Hello?" I hear Billy from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, hey Uncle Bill! I'm Y/N speaking. Is Jacob there?" I ask him.

"Yeah, yeah just a sec... Jake! It's Y/N." I wait for a moment before I hear Jacob answer. 

"Hey, Y/N..." He said awkwardly.

"Hey, Jake – is it okay if I call you that? – Anyway, are you free tonight? We can hang out maybe...?" I ask him, I called him Jake before, but he was unconscious. 

"Yeah, sure! And you can call me anything you want, I don't mind." He assures me, a slight flirt in his voice; he continues, "I thought you didn't wanna talk to me, considering that you didn't last week. And after that, we didn't meet as well." He explains. Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that, shoot.

"Ah, um- I was having a bad day, so... you know. I am sorry how I acted that day. It's fine if we don't hang out today-"

"No!" he cleared his throat after the sudden response, "We can hang out today, even tomorrow if you'd like, it's a weekend anyways. And I'm pretty sure you are done with your homework." I laughed at his remark, it was true – I am, indeed, done with my homework for the weekend.
"That'd be great if we can tomorrow... what about La Push? We can go there, I love that place so god-damn much..." I confess my undying love for the beach as Jake patiently listens and makes sounds of agreement as I talk further. As my ramble comes to an end, I let him know that I'll be at his place by 9.

"Okay, Y/N, see ya in... an hour and a half." He says. We bid each other a short goodbye and I run upstairs to pack my bag.

As soon as I am done packing my stuff, I go downstairs. As I was about to call out for Dad, he comes into the living room.

"I know, I know... I will drive you there." He informs me. I grin, unable to control my excitement. 

I remember I forgot my phone, just like the last time, so I go upstairs and unplug it; I switch off the socket switch and close the door of my room before heading downstairs.

I look at my wristwatch, it's 8:45 pm now. After a LONG time of keeping patience, I hear the clinking of keys.

"C'mon, kiddo!" Dad says as he heads towards the front door. I quickly pick up my bag pack and follow him out.

"Goodnight, Bella! I'll be back tomorrow!" I yell Bella goodbye.

"See ya, Y/N/N!" I hear her faint reply from upstairs.

I get into the car and Dad drives us to Jacob and Billy's residence.

"Don't do anything funny." He warns me. I turn towards him – I was sitting in the front, for the first time – in confusion.

"Dad, what is the worst you can think of me doing there?" I ask him. He hesitates to speak out his paranoia, but he manages to do it at last.

"You know... like, um..." he starts.

"Like kissing him?" I ask and butterflies erupt in my stomach. Saying it out loud makes it so much more imagine-able.

"No, no I don't mind an innocent kiss. You know, I had my first kiss when I was 12." He says.

"Oh, wow... I haven't had mine yet. You must be a player, huh?" I say it is the weirdest tone ever and confuses both. We both laugh.

"I wasn't. I had a huge crush on this girl who never liked me back, classic, I know. I realized how much of my emotions I had wasted on her almost 4 years later." He told me his tragic story. "The same year, she came up to me at lunch once to tell me how she used to have feelings for me. That was a joke, by the way. She didn't like me, truly. But I was overjoyed to hear that. She had a real glow-down since then, the personality one, so I just acknowledged it and moved on." It had a happy ending after all, not for that girl though. 

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