𝚸𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝛐

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I groggily turn off my alarm, waking up to the dim morning light. The cold atmosphere is perfect, though. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Gotta make sure there's no plaque left on any tooth, and don't forget the tongue, that's the key. After that, it's bath time, gotta wash my hair too—first day of school, you know? Once I'm out of the shower, I towel-dry my hair. No hairdryer, though, 'cause I don't wanna wake up the other two and it's bad for my hair. I grab my moisturizer and chapstick, throw it in my pocket after using some, and apply some body moisturizer on. Hydration, baby!
           Closet time! Blue straight-legged jeans, a black tank top, and an oversized black flannel. Perfect outfit. I run a comb through my hair to style it. I take a deep breath, set a mental alarm for an hour, and meditate for some peace. After what feels like an hour, I open my eyes and glance at the clock on my nightstand. 6:45 am, nailed it! Downstairs, Dad has prepared some cheese toasts for breakfast.
"Morning, Dad," I greet him.
"Do you always wake up this early?" he asks.
"Yep, feels refreshing. You should try meditating too," I suggest.
"Only if I ever wake up that early, which would be... never." Dad gives a sarcastic response, and I shoot him an eye roll as I pick up a toast to eat. Bella comes downstairs, all ready, but not exactly in high spirits
."Hey, it'll be alright. Listen to some Rihanna, it helps with the confidence," I try to cheer her up, but it never really works on her. Oh well, I focus on eating my toast until I almost can't breathe.
"Oh, Dad?" I ask after swallowing.
"Yeah, Y/N?" he looks up.
"How old is Jacob Black? He looked around Bella's age."
"He's your age."
"FIFTEEN??? He's a TEEN, seriously?" I can't believe it, my mouth hanging open. Dad chuckles.
"Good for you, Y/N, shoot your shot," Bella teases.
"Ugh, shut up, Bella." So it's March, middle of the semester, and fitting in is just not my thing.

"Alright, we're here," Bella announces, slowing down the truck to a stop. We get out, and I swing my backpack over my shoulder.
"Nice ride," some guy mocks Bella, and people around laugh.
"Thanks," she replies quietly and walks away. Wouldn't it be fun if he slipped and hurt his butt?

"Ouch!" I hear him yelp. I look back, smirking to myself. Bella checks her timetable, and so do I.

"I have Biology. See ya at lunch." I wave her goodbye and go through the first three classes - Biology, Physical Education, and Math. Finally, lunchtime rolls around, and I'm starving.
"Hey," someone comes up beside me.
"Oh, are you talking to me?" I point to myself.
"Haha, yeah, I'm Eric."
"Cool, nice to meet you, Eric," I reply.
"Have you seen Bella?"
"Oh yeah, right, she's your sister! She's sitting with us today, you can join us too."
"Uh, thanks for the offer, but I'll pass," I politely decline, losing my patience a bit. I don't have much patience, just like Bella's skin color. Close to none. 
           I head to an empty table in the corner and open my lunch bag. Toast from the morning, so yum, totally (sarcasm intended). Dad left before we went to school, and I've had some awful cafeteria experiences, so I figured I'd just make extra breakfast.

"OMG A WITCH!!!" I hear someone scream in their mind as I try to scan the room's thoughts. My eyes widen, and I turn my head to the source of the thought - a beautiful girl with yellow eyes, a pixie haircut, and stunning features.
"Can she hear my thoughts? Does it happen when we make eye contact?" I shake my head no, giving her the answer. She looks shocked, and I try not to laugh. Her friends - or "siblings" - talk to her, probably about her expressions.
"I can't tell them this."
"You can if you want to. We're the same - Supernatural as fuck." I reply in her mind.
"You can talk to people like this?"
"So can I tell them?"
"Okay, wave at me if this is you." I wave at her, holding back a laugh. She sighs in disbelief and walks over to my table. Seems like I've caught everyone's attention, even more than before.

"Hi!" she greets me with an angelic voice. She sounds much better than in her head.
"Hello, Alice." I look up at her while sitting.
"What's your name?"
"Y/N. Y/N Swan."
"Oh. Would you like to join us, Y/N?"
"Yeah, sure, why not." I shrug and follow her to the table. I see Eric giving me a look of betrayal, so I quickly divert my gaze. I've always had this problem - no matter how much I've improved my skills, reading Bella's mind remains an exception. I just can't do it. I sit down next to another equally beautiful girl - Rosalie, her name - and beside her, her partner - Emmet. Actually, all of them have found their mates, except the one on my right - Edward Cullen. I follow his gaze, and it's fixated on Bella. I introduce myself to everyone, and we start chatting like we've known each other forever. I like this group.

"Um, Alice," I start.
"How did you know I was a... witch?" I lower my voice at the end.
"Um, it's about auras. We just know. It's kinda weird to say, but it's also about how they smell. Like, Witches have the most beautiful smell and aura, like flowers. You smell like roses and a hint of lavender. How did you find out about us?"
"Can you stop it whenever you want?" Emmet asks.
"Yeah, definitely, but I love hearing and seeing people's embarrassing memories." I reply, mischief in my eyes. Emmet laughs in encouragement. The others go back to their conversations. I clear my throat softly.
 "I don't think you can read her mind. I can't, anyway. And quit staring like that, it's creepy." I tell Edward.
"Oh, yeah, um, sorry. What did you say before that?" He snaps back to reality, responding to my comment.
"I was saying, I don't think you'd be able to read her mind."
"Yeah, I can't. Why is that?"
"Well, if I turned out to be like this, she must have something magical in her too." I shrug.
"I guess..." he mumbles. Great, looks like I'll be playing the role of the main lead.


Word Count - 1203

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