𝚸𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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"Yo, Y/N, wake up..." I feel someone gently tugging on my head.
"Are we there yet?" I groggily ask Bella, rubbing my eyes to wake up properly. The flight was lit, and I managed to catch a solid two-hour nap.
"Mhmm, finally, Forks!" Bella replies. 

Hold up, let me introduce myself real quick. Hey, I'm Y/N Swan, Bella's sis, and Charlie's daughter. Yeah, he's the chief of police, but don't worry; I won't brag about it too much. We're back at his place after, like, forever—11 years to be exact! I was just a kid, four years old, and Bella was six when we last visited. But guess what? This time, we're moving in for good! I'm stoked, but Bella's a bit meh about it 'cause she had to leave her friends behind. I didn't really have anyone in Phoenix, except for Mom and Bell. She's always been cool to me, even though we didn't talk much. We got that low-key sibling bond thing going on.
          Anyways, back to now. I look out of the car window to check out the wet and misty weather all around, and there it is, the sign that reads "THE CITY OF FORKS WELCOMES YOU." I love the rain and cold, but Bella's not too into it. It's gonna take her some time to warm up to this place. 

Dad tries to break the awkward silence with Bella. Ugh, it's always awkward between them. Meanwhile, me and Dad, we're like buddies. He's got some crazy police stories that actually interest me.

"Your hair's longer," Dad says, trying to make small talk while we wait for the traffic light.
"I cut it since the last time you saw me," she replies. Might as well pretend to be asleep.
"Guess it grew out again." Dad sighs, and I'm just here like, can we open the window already?
"Y/N, it's cold!" Bella protests as I crack open the car windows to let some fresh air in.
"Don't stick your head out," Dad chimes in.
"Fine, fine." I roll my eyes and close some of the windows halfway.
"Happy now, you two?"
They both reply, kinda awkwardly. Bella's gonna have a tough time blending in here, especially with Dad. As for me, I'm good with just chilling, reading my books, and daydreaming about fictional characters. And honestly, Dad's not a problem for me. Finally, we arrive at Dad's house. 

I jump out of the car like a racecar driver. Grab my stuff from the trunk, and I'm ready to go.
"You don't even know which room is yours yet, kiddo," Dad chuckles.
"I hope it's still the same one from last time. I am not switching rooms, no way!" I declare, holding my luggage while Dad has some of Bella's.
"Lead the way, Ms. Independent," he teases, giving a little bow. I shoot him a playful look and head upstairs. I open the door to my room, and it's just how I remember - with a bigger bed this time. I unpack and take a breather. I can hear Bella and Dad chatting downstairs. I glance out of the window, and that's when I see a red truck pulling up. Out steps a freaking gorgeous guy from the passenger's side.
         Whoa. My eyes are glued to him. Then I see another guy in a wheelchair coming out from the driver's side. Dad comes out of the house, and I dash downstairs to get a closer look at the hottie and his father who I knew very well.
"Bella, you remember Billy Black," Dad says.
"Yeah," she replies.
"Uncle Bill!" I rush over to give him a big hug. "Long time no see!" I mumble into the hug.
"Totally!" He grins as we break apart. Billy used to be so cool; he'd let me explore the woods and tell me the spookiest ghost stories. We'd have s'mores all the time. Life was awesome. I glance up at the tall guy.
"I'm Y/N Swan." I shake his hand as he introduces himself Jacob Black. He's super tall, like four or six inches above me. And his smile, wow, it's amazing! I step back to give them some space, and I see the others chatting away. Best friends, Bill and Dad, are playfully fighting, and Jacob goes over to Bella.
"Hey, I'm gonna head back inside, unpack, and stuff. Catch ya later!" I wave to Jacob, and he nods with a smile. Time to unpack and get settled in. Not like I brought a ton of stuff or anything.

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