Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

Just another Tuesday morning on the tour bus, all the other boys are still sleeping, I've been awake for while. I like being up before them, it gives me time to center my thoughts and self before the day ahead. But all of that was cut short by my ankles being dragged by Micky into the hall way

"GOOD MORNING PRINCESS" he yells as he climbs ontop of me smacking my face "are you awake yet..huh? Wake up!!!!"

"Dude, if you wake Ashton up I swear he's gonna kill us both." As soon as I uttered those words all we here from Ashton's bunk is "it's 9 o'clock in the morning for fucks sake".

"Ya I'm not taking the fall for this one Micky" I say as I push him off of me and make my way into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and turn the shower on. Throwing my clothes into the bin I step inside of the shower, letting the warm water run over me was relaxing, no thoughts, just the warmth. Again my peace was cut short due to a banging on the door followed by "luke, I swear I need to piss" sounded like Ashton. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and opened up the door.

"Go ahead buddy" I said but all I got in response was a shove and a door slam followed by the lock. Ashton has been off lately. I don't know if it's just been the length of the tour or what but he has definitely been a little introvert. Sleep, play drums and sleep again.
I walk back into the bunk area and dig through my suit case for something to wear. Sweatpants and sweatshirt vibes for today. I throw on the first ones I can find and make my way up into the living room. I plop myself down on the couch and watch the other cars on the road pass by. My thoughts are consumed by passing landscape and true beauty of it.

"Enjoying Spain."

I turn around to see Ashton standing there

"Would you rub my back? I don't feel good." He says

"Sure, lay down." He lays across me, with his head in my lap, I rub small circles on the top part of his back while I take in more of the view, once again peace fills me today. I look down to see Ashton dead asleep in my lap. He's kinda pale not gonna lie. I guess we've all been inside a little to long. It must have been at least an hour that I let him sleep before Calum came out of the bunk area.

"Good morning love birds" he says

"Shhh if we wake him a second time there's gonna be hell to pay" I say quietly looking down at him. Calum makes his way over to the fridge and pulls out the juice. He takes a swig and throws it in the sink "who the hell put fireball in the orange juice?" He yells

"Me." Ashton says as his eyes open, still in his sleepy state he wraps his arms around my torso and drifts back off. I turn to cal to see the worrisome look in his eyes. I begin to rub small circles in on his upper back again, hoping he would stay asleep just a little longer. I pull my phone outta my pocket and open up Twitter. I scroll and scroll and scroll to try and kill my boredom but nothing is working. I look down to see Ashton awake. Just starting at the wall.

"Ashton..are you okay?" I ask

"I don't feel good, can I just stay like this for a while." He says flatly

"Are you sick or just tired" I ask, I move my hand to his hair and start to stroke his head.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke." As soon as he said it he was up and running to the bathroom. From the front of the bus I could hear the sounds of him throwing up. A few minutes late, I hear the shuffling of his feet. "I threw up." He says

"I heard." I say. He lays his head back in my lap and pulls my hand on-top of his head motioning for me to rub it. I stroke and play with his hair hoping it makes him feel better. I pull my phone out and shoot a quick text to Adam to let him know Ashton is sick. Within second he replies.

ADAM: how bad is it

LUKE:not to bad. He's sleeping and throwing up. Nothing else

ADAM: keep me updated.

"Luke can you get my meds please. I forgot them" He moans.

"That's why your sick." I say as I push him up gently and walk over to his suitcase I rummaged through it until I found his meds. He knows he has to take his anti depressants everyday or he's gonna get withdrawals. After what feels like forever of digging I find the bottle. Empty. Great. I walk back out into the living area.

"You've run out Ashton! How could you be so irresponsible! You know what happens if you don't take them on time. Especially on the tour! Your being so selfish." I say as I toss the bottle to him. His expression turns panicked. He knows that if he doesn't take them he's gonna slip and then that will cause his anxiety to skyrocket. Tears start to prick in his eyes. I didn't mean to make him cry. I sit back down next to him and pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so harsh. It's okay buddy, I'll text Adam we will get you taken care of. Remember he keeps the extra bottle incase of things like this." I pull my phone out once again to text our manager

LUKE: hey, he's not sick, just ran outta his meds.

ADAM: Great. They are in London, all of the bags are. Do you think he will make it 2 days without them until you guys get there?

LUKE: I have no idea. We will do our best

"Good news is that Adam does have the back up meds. Bad news is that they are in our next concert location." I say.

"I can't go two days without them." Is all he manages to get out. He's just starting at the wall, expressionless.

"We could just have you knocked out until we get them back? We're almost to the airport, if you have any of your sleeping meds we can just keep you sleeping until we get there?" I suggest.

"It's an option, I just don't wanna be groggy in London." He says as he stands up walking back into the bunk area. I follow behind him, he starts going through his suitcase again looking to see if he had another bottle. To his failure I had already tore the luggage apart looking for them. He pulls the bottle of his sleeping pills out and hands them to me

"I don't trust myself, please keep these away." He says as he throws me the bottle. What did he mean by that? He wouldn't take all of these would he?

I take one out and hand it to him. I walk to the front of the bus and put the bottle in my backpack for safe keeping. I walk back into the bunk area to check on him. He has managed to get himself into bed. That's good, he will just sleep it off and hopefully I won't have to deal with anymore of his issues today so I can relax. I walk back into the living area to find Micky and Calum outta the drivers area and sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys, Ashton's outta meds, he's sleeping now." I say

"Great, Is he depressed or just withdrawing?" Calum says

"Just withdrawing. He's just sleepy, he doesn't seem to be down right now but the backup meds are in London. We can't get upset, we just need to keep level heads and keep a close eye on him." I tell them but I know deep down I'm upset at him.

"He's been doing good for years. I don't think he even needs to be on them anymore." Calum says

"I don't know Cal, they keep him in check, I don't think taking him off his meds during the middle of a tour is a good idea." Micky says

"But what if it is? What if he isn't depressed anymore ? Then he's just taking useless medications for no reason." Cal says and he gets up and walked towards the bunk area. He's talking crazy. Ashton needs to be on his meds. I need to piss. I walk back towards the bathroom passing the bunk area. I pull the curtain back a little on Ashton's bunk to see how he's doing. He's awake just staring at the wall. Blank and motionless. His head turns to me and just stares. He reaches his arm out and grabs my hand, rubbing the outside of his. Soothing himself.

"I'll be back in one second buddy." I say as I walk back into the bathroom. His hand leaving mine. I walk into our bathroom. I lock the door and do my business in the bathroom and wash my hands I unlock it and walk back to him.

"Where's my giraffe?" He ask. The meds must have kicked in but not knocked him out. He's just high at this point. I crawl into bed with him, sitting up and him laying his head in my lap. This is going to be one hell of a day.

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