Unfinished Stories

Start from the beginning

he angled himself towards the snack tables, catching himself on the wall nearby, his skull thumping against a picture frame ungracefully. he ignored it entirely, more focused on the punch bowl. the nasty mixture tasted god-awful, but it got him drunk so he didn't care about the flavor.

killer fumbled with the red cups, knocking over several and dropping twice as many before he finally managed to grab one. he didn't even get to try and struggle with the punch spoon thing. a warm hand settled on his arm, sending a shock through his system. "the cups were hard enough to watch," someone said, and suddenly his cup was being filled.

he followed the arms back to a stupidly pretty skeleton, his soul throbbing insistently. "ok wow, you are so hot, please fuck me-" the stranger laughed- no, they fucking giggled- and shook their head. "maybe when you'll actually remember it. i'm cross." killer stuttered intelligently, slurring random consonants, eventually blurting out, "Im number can i have your killer-" cross laughed again- why was he so beautiful, killer had to be hallucinating- and offered a hand.

killer, no matter how shitfaced he got, could tell that cross was also drunk; flushed face, a heavy lilt to his tone, and the not quite obvious slur. cross was, evidently, not an obvious drunk. still, despite this, cross was a beautiful man and killer wanted on that ride so he took his hand and allowed himself to be led away from the table.

they passed by horror and dust- who were aggressively making out, killer noted demurely- and moved on to who-knew-where. cross smiled over his shoulder, his grin bright under the black lights, his eye lights brighter, and his blush even more. killer found himself smiling back, his feet hitting each other and threatening to send him toppling.

they went upstairs, dodging couples and loners alike, going far into the house, to the very last room, and cross shoved the door open. a wall of smoke billowed out, killer blinking in alarm. cross merely coughed, swatting the smoke and tugging killer in with him. "cross! who you got with ya?" killer squinted, hardly able to make out another skeleton through the fog. the room smelt weird.

"found a cutie from the party down below," cross answered easily, waving away the smoke enough for killer to see three more skeletons lounging around in what looked like the most anime room ever. one of them had an eyepatch and was hugging a body pillow to his chest. he grinned wide, raising his free hand in greeting. "sup' bruh, welcome to thuhhh.. the coolguy club." cross snorted attractively, "shut up, dude, you'll scare 'em away."

killer's brow furrowed, his mouth slow to catch up with his mind. "...is that..?? midari???" epic lit up, holding his arm away from the pillow to show the character's face, the girl grinning wide with her tongue out and dressed scantly, as all body pillow characters seem to be. "sure is! crissy, ya found a real nish fishy there." epic bit his tongue at the slip up, snirking into his fist. "nish fish.. heh" killer chuckled mutedly, hand tightening around cross's.

one of the other skeletons, a short little guy with a stained cheek, sat up with a cheeky grin, asking killer, "what size are ya?" immediately, the other laying beside him shoved his foot into his face, hissing at him to shut up. "that's hella unrad, broski!" killer blinked. the other one continued, turning sly, "ask 'em his name first, bro."


and that's number two! onto the next one

———[cross is basically dying]——

Nightmare knew it, the instant he awoke, that something was wrong. The castle trembled, the thick walls not thick enough to muffle the sounds of hoarse screaming, and, as he ripped himself out of sleep, a wave of bad intent swept through the castle. He warped without a thought, dragging himself to the source, and hit a hard stop at the sight of Cross's room.

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