The less you know the better (?)

Start from the beginning

Garny - I only followed the orders and-

Jamie - "Served your purpose''. I know... Many gems already said that. Hmm okay first things first, guess we'll have to work on your first impression there. C'mon let's go to Pearl.

On Homeworld

Spinel walks throguh the hall as thinks 'The rubies have been gone for only two days Spinel, relax. Steven promised they'll be back... But I can't help but just worry so much about them...'

Her train of thought then halts when she meets her two guards : Jasper and Amethyst 8XL.

8XL : Greetings my spinel, have your rubies reformed yet?

Spinel - Not yet...Steven said it might take a while until they come back.

8XL - Rubis are pretty strong, so I'm sure they'll be back in no time, my Spinel. So cheer up okay?

Spinel - Yeah thanks for advice

8XL - Besides the ball is coming up in three days, so maybe they might come back in time!

Spinel - I'd like that alot.

The ball in question was an event of celebration over the peace between the two species of gem and human kinds. Steven and the diamonds decided it'be a good idea to have an anniversary in honor of that harmonic relationship beween the two species and it is right arond the corner.

It was an awakward silence that followed afterwards as they go around together with Amethyst singing quietly not to anger Jasper

Spinel -'re both from earth right? I've heard of homeworld quartzes before, but I wasn't around to know about those created on earth.

8XL - Yup! After the "shattering" of Pink Diamond, most of the earth quartzes were spared by Blue Diamond and sent to guard Pink Diamond's hman zoo...

Spinel didn't really like hearing the name of said diamond but she shrugged that thought away

"...But Jasper was picked out to do mroe serious and highly classified missions by Yellow Diamond"

Spinel - Does it get boring when you're guarding for so long?

8xl - Yeah sometimes. But I had me and the famethysts, so it was never boring for too long.

Spinel - They sound like lots of fun! Do you play games together?

8xl - We sure do! Maybe I can show you how we quartzes have a game-

She was interrupted by Jasper who didn't sound angry or violent, she was just straight to the point

Jasper - No, you won't. My diamond has assigned you to guard. Not t obe distracted by your foolish games.

Spinel - It's fine really. I LOVE playing games! I played all the time with my ruby guards.

Jasper - "Play" with them? But they're guards.

Spinel - Well yeah they're my guards, but they are more than just that to me you know? We did everything together and... they're my best friends.

Remembers the time they spend together, when Spinel was riding them all on her back

Spinel felt really warm inside...for a short while

Jasper - Maybe that's why they were shattered in the first place.

To say that Spinel was taken aback by that was an understatement

Spinel - ...EXCUSE ME?

Jasper - Ruby guards are meant to be put together in squads of three or more. They are stronger together when they fuse. And yet SOMEHOW...your squad managed to break under those cirumstances.

Again no malice just a pure military perspective

Spinel starts to be defensive "Are you saying it's MY fault they-"

Jasper - I'm saying that they didn't do their jobs properly. Nothing to do with you my spinel.

Spinel - You weren't even there to see what happened!

Jasper looks surpicious now "So what DID happen my Spinel?

She tenses up a bit before keeping herself calm"WhAt HaP-...they lost their forms to save mine. They did everything they could."

Spinel and Jasper were arguing meanwhile poor Amethyst just had to stand by and wait while this conversation happened, not sure what to do

8xl thinks 'awkward'

Jasper - They could've also protected themselves if they did their job properly. But instead they didn't do it good enough and that cost them their forms.

Spinel - who cares about jobs? They're gems with their thoguhts and wants!

Jasper - Which was selfish of them. They're guards not playthings or toys my Spinel. They are meant to protect their assignments and if they can't, then they are obviously DEFECTIVE.

Spinel - Wha- DEFECTIVE!? MY FRIENDS AREN'T DEFECTIVE! There is NOTHING wrong with them! All they want is to have friends. Is that too much to ask? Don't YOU have any friedns that yuo care about?!

Jasper - No.

She asnwered again straight to her face "I don't which si why I am here and they are not. I don't let my emotions interfere with what makes me stronger and your rubies should've done the same"

Spinel - That seems cold and lonely if you ask me...what good is it to have all the power in the world when it just harms everyone around you?

They all keep going as their discussion enars it's end

Spinel - For all I know the closest thing you possibly ever had as friends were gems you've fought.

Jasper - The less you know about me, the better my spinel.

8xl thinks 'Geez Jasper hit a nerve. Steven wasn't kidding, Jasper is having a hard time adapting to era 3'

Yeah while Garny is yet to see the impression she'll make on the ball, Jasper surely nailed it jsut now with Spinel.

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