Chapter 19: It won't change

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Hi all, I bet you have been waiting for the next chapter hehe >:) I'm sorry to of kept you all waiting. This story has gotten really popular lately! I thank you all for the 700+ votes and nearly 17k views.  Hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a great morning/day/evening/night! ^-^

I ran as fast as I could. I wouldn't stop. I had to get back, I had to sort this out and solve this. I didn't want anyone from the Night Raid to die. I didn't even want...Esdeath to...

I stopped to a halt. The thought of her being killed made my heart ache. Just thinking about never seeing her smile or feeling the warmth of her hugs made my eyes tear up. My mind was rushing and my cheeks felt hot. Have I...really caught feelings for the General? What is wrong with me?! I shook my head. I can't be in love with her. She is my enemy and the Night Raid are my family, my home. They are the ones I have to stick with. 

Maybe..just maybe there is a way to convince Esdeath to join us, join the revolution and put a stop to the capital. She might even listen if I ask her, but only me. I know she has feelings for me ever since she saw me so she MUST want to at least listen to what I have to say.

I stepped forward and started running again. I had reached closer to where I had been taken away from her. An alleyway. It connected to the centre, a faster way to get there. I slid myself down there, holding up the dress a little so I wouldn't trip over. I leapt over boxes and crept around the corner. I stayed there to watch what was going on.

Leone, the strong blonde-haired imperial arms wielder, was on crouched down low on the ground. She looked as if she was about to pounce on her prey. I was right. Leone lunged towards a guard, grabbing his neck and slamming him down onto the ground. Blood splattered all over the ground. My eyes scanned for the view of Esdeath. I couldn't see her, as a bright light took up my vision. A gunshot had been fired, causing a whole group of guards to be dismembered and dead. I looked back to see that Leone was kicking ass. I finally saw that light blue hair. Esdeath was fighting against whom it seemed to be Najenda. I watched as Najenda was wielding a sword to defend herself with. Esdeath striked with her rapier as fast as she could trying to catch her off guard. She had a smirk on her face. I had to stop this before someone got hurt. 

I sprinted into the scene, shouting. 

"Stop! Stop all of this!" I yelled. A guard came flying out from nowhere hitting my side and knocking me down to the ground. I groaned in slight pain. Esdeath had heard me and turned around, knocking Najenda to the floor. She rushed towards me, bending down to pick me up.

"What are you doing here?! I ordered Wave to take you far away from here so you would be safe." She sounded worried and angry. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me mad. 

"I-" A yellow figure pounced and had floored Esdeath. I watched in awe as Leone was on top of Esdeath, her paw like hands wrapped around her throat. She was choking Esdeath, squeezing her neck as hard as she could. 

"Leone stop! Stop please!" I cried out, picking myself up and shoving Leone off of her. Leone growled at me.

"You're confusing me Y/N! This woman kidnapped you and has held you hostage for months!" Leone shouted. She pointed at Esdeath who was already up from the floor, clutching her throat.

"Nice try...but no one can just strangle me and get away with it." Everything happened fast and Esdeath had Leone by the arm and slid the rapier into her lower stomach. I stared in shock. Every one else was in shock. It was as if everything had stopped and slowed down. Leone fell to the floor, clutching where she had been stabbed.  Esdeath stood over her about to finish Leone off before I slid in between them, blocking Esdeath. 

Her eyes stared down at me, blue and as cold as ever. 

"Y/N..? Move. " She demanded, her face emotionless. I refused.

"No. Leone is important to me. I won't let you murder her or hurt her anymore." I stood up straight, staring at her. Someone swooped down and took Leone away before she could get any more hurt. The blur of green. Lubbock. 

Esdeath look frustrated with me and pointed the sword at my chin.

"Y/N I thought you would understand. My duty and mission is to kill these assassins and rid of the Night Raid. And I don't need you out of all people to get in my way." Esdeath grabbed me by my arm trying to throw me back. I resisted and got out of her grip and slid underneath her, trying to knock her off guard. 

I looked at her face. She looked hurt, as if she had been stabbed in the heart. The expression didn't last long and instead she turned back facing towards me.

Her tone was blunt. "Whatever, as long as they don't get a hold of you." Esdeath held her hands out and clapped them together and I watched as she summond thousands and thousands of icicles. 

As this happened, she yelled. "Weissschnabel."

They all came hurling down. I held my hands up to my face, watching as they all turned towards Leone and Lubbock who were in the sky, darting away trying to retreat. Fortunately, they were able to dodge any major attacks but didn't go unscathed. I watched as a small figure came running towards me. Mine.

She held her arms out, and jumped into my arms. 

"Y/N!" She said happily, tears falling from her eyes. Mine stepped back and had her imperial arms, Pumpkin, was under one arm. She pulled it up and let it rest on her shoulder. 

"We're getting you out of here!" She exclaimed, happy to see me. My eyes were tearing up. It felt so good to see Mine again. Since the last time we had met, it was in that carriage that was going to take us away somewhere else. Probably to use us as bait for the Night Raid and then everyone would get wiped out. 

I smiled before realising. If I left, I would be leaving Esdeath too. She would go crazy and wouldn't stop until she got me back. I know how much of a psychopath she is. She had kidnapped me from the beginning, wanting answers out of me and even MORE. This wouldn't work, would it?  Mine grabbed my hand as she started sprinting away with me. Esdeath had averted her attention to us, seeing Mine's hand in my own. Her face filled with anger.

"Get your hands off of her!" Esdeath screamed out. She dashed towards us, at full speed. Najenda had come back around, scooping Mine and I up. I was barely holding on, my hand gripped onto Mine's hand as I dangled over the side of the Air Manta (Najenda's rideable pet)/ This was for the best. Wasn't it? If I left and went back to Night Raid, we will surely be okay. 

What am I saying? No it won't be. Esdeath won't stop. She wants me. She needs me. I turned back to look at Esdeath. Her eyes were full of...fear? No. Her eyes were watering. She looked as if she was about to cry. I looked up at Mine, my own eyes beginning to water. 

"Hey Mine. Look out for the Night Raid for me, will ya?" My voice sounded shaky. I was scared. The thought of the N.R getting hurt at all, frightened me. So this was for the best.

"W-what do you mean? Y-you're-" Mine stared at me confused. I just gave her a smile before letting go of her hand. 

Mine leaned over, her body 3/4 of the way over. If she leant over anymore, she would surely fall. Her hands were holding onto my sleeves of my dress for dear life. 

"What are you doing?! I came here to save you! We.. came here to take you back home!" Mine cried out.

"Mine let me go! You will fall." I shouted, trying to wriggle out of her grip. She wasn't very strong and I felt her hands holding onto me grow weak.

"Please! Y/N DON'T!" Tears streamed down her face.

"I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry." I mumbled quietly and forced her hands off of me. 

The sky was moving so fast in front of me. My back landed on a thud and I suddenly felt something cold. I was laying on a tower of ice. But it all seemed to of shattered. I continued falling and falling, before two arms caught me. There was a grunt. The squishy softness beneath  me was warm. I was laying on someone. My eyes averted to look at who had caught me. Icy, light blue hair, and those cold, cold blue eyes. My body went limp, as I listened to her heartbeat.

...And I smiled.

Prisoner (Esdeath X Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن