Chapter 8: Oops..

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Hey! Wow! I have been updating this book recently a lot within the past few days! All the positive comments really made me motivated to write hehe~ So I thank you all for reading! I will make sure to carry on updating when I can, I have college now so now updates may be a little slow! I just know I won't have much time on my hands to write so- but no worries! It will be definitely be a finished story! I won't leave you all hanging. I also hope to write more stories in the future when I have time :D anyways, enough of me talking. On with the story! Anyways, enjoy!

I sighed. It had been a few days later since Esdeath and I had made that agreement. Her words still raced through my mind. Hmm..

Well of course I was not going to fall for her. Ever. So she had already lost from the beginning. I felt myself sigh again as I laid Esdeath's clothes on her bed. She had woken up and asked me to put her clothes out for her and she shot straight into the shower. I was stuck in her room until she sent me away but she never really did send me away.

I stood wearing that stupid maid dress again which had been cleaned for me after the bath incident. I shivered remembering that memory of mine. I looked around the room before edging towards the door. Esdeath was still showering so leaving the room wasn't going to hurt, not if I only leave for 5 minutes. I slowly turned the handle and crept out, shutting the door behind me as quietly as I could.

I started walking down this hallway, admiring the statues and vases which stood on stands. One of the vases was astoundingly beautiful so I walked towards it to examine it some more. I put my face close to it and gently tapped it. What a dumb thing to do. The vase was as light as a feather and toppled over off of the stand. It smashed into pieces and scattered all over the floor. I heard footsteps growing louder and louder. Two guards appeared around the corner and stared at me.

"Hey! You there!" One of them yelled. I gulped and started sprinting off down the hallway some further. I took a turn and heard them close behind me. I saw a door to the left of me and I struggled to open it. The door finally opened and I threw myself inside. I shut the door as quick as possible. A few moments later, I heard the heavy breathing of the two guards outside the door.

"W-where did she go?" One of them huffed and puffed, out of breath. The other responded and told the other guard to carry on looking down the hall. I sighed out of relief and turned away from the door. The room put me into shock. I stared at the sight before me.

There was a leather chair directly in the middle, and chains hung from the ceiling with some sort of handcuffs attached. Wait...a torture room? But up near Esdeath's bedroom? And why wasn't this door locked?! I took a quick peek around, oblivious to the sound of a door opening. I was looking at a small cabinet before I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Goosebumps spread across my skin and I jumped a little. I turned around, my e/c eyes meeting her cold, blue eyes. Her face showed no emotion as she leant a little closer to my face. My cheeks grew hot the closer she got. I then noticed she had just come out of the shower, as a towel was wrapped and hugged around her body. The top of her breasts were exposed and spilling out, just able to keep the towel still wrapped around her. Esdeath's pale blue hair was dripping wet. She ut her hands on my shoulders and I noticed her hands were still wet also.

It was silent for a few moments before she took a step back and cleared her throat.

"I told you not to leave my sight. And to stay put inside my room." Her arms were crossed and she glared at me. I noticed how annoyed she looked and rolled my eyes.

"I left for only a few minutes." I said and walked around her. She grabbed me by the wrist and stared at me. I looked away from her and pulled my wrist away. I went to go and open the door but she had grabbed me by the waist and dragged me away.

I felt myself be pushed onto the leather chair, and she hovered over me, staring into my eyes. Esdeath's towel was slowly slipping off at the corner but I kept my mouth shut.

I couldn't move at all. I was frozen.

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