Chapter 27: An old memory

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Heyo! Nice to see everyone enjoying the story :) hopefully you enjoy this chapter. BEFORE anyone gets confused, this chapter is the backstory of Y/N remembering/dreaming about the attack on Esdeath before she was captured and held prisoner. It was brought to my attention that some reader(s) are curious about what happened before Y/N in the beginning had ended up in that basement cell and etc. So good ol' me went and typed up this lovely short chapter for y'all. Enjoy~

Woosh! Strike! An arrow through the head. I watched as the guard fell down, making a thud. I stepped over his body, looking over the building but making sure I wasn't seen.

Slowly, I pulled back on the bowstring, my arrow aiming straight at her. I gripped tightly onto it, peering up and across from me, as I was crouched on the top of the stone building. There it was. The signal. Akame waved her hand at me, as she slit a guards throat, across from me on the other similar shaped building.

I took a deep breath, and let go, watching the arrow fly. I continued to hold my breath, as everything felt like it was in slow motion. This was it. Our victory. The arrow was a few inches away from the back of her head, before a hand came out of nowhere, catching the arrow effortlessly.

My mouth opened in awe as I stared at her head turn, facing my direction. Her eyes were covered with her blue strands of hair as she slowly lifted her head up. I watched as the blue hair moved out of the way, her cold, blue eyes burning into mine. Oh shit, I panicked.

I didn't take my eyes off of her, as Leone used her imperial arms to pounce down near her. But she wasn't interested. With slight ease, she turned and double kicked Leone until she was brought down. Leone was one of the most strongest hand to hand fighters and I had just watched her be easily taken down.

I picked myself up and leaped from the top onto the scaffolding, making a run for it. The blue haired woman had unsheathed her sword, quickly swinging it at Leone. Leone barely dodged each hit, blood pouring from her arms and legs. She got cut deeply in her side, wincing from pain.

Boldly, I stepped in, sneaking up on General Esdeath and trying to land a blow on her neck with an arrow in hand. I was quickly tripped over, being flipped so I was on my back. Leone growled, getting pissed off.

"Hey! Back off her, fight me!" Leone snarled, smirking and spitting onto the floor. She held her side with one paw-like hand and wiped her mouth with the other.

"I'm not interested in fighting you. Not right now." Esdeath dashed forward, swooping me up. Akame, the brilliant assassin she is, had snuck her way in, saving me from the hands of the psycho. I pushed myself to the side, rushing to Leone.

"Are you okay?! " I lifted her arm around my shoulder, helping her stay stood. Leone pushed me away.

"I'm fine! We have to help Akame!" She started sprinting forward but I grabbed onto her before she could go anymore.

"We can't get in between Akame and Esdeath right now. And besides you're hurt! We have to try taking you back. " I explained, grabbing back onto Leone. Leone sighed angrily.

A loud gunshot fired, zapping at the ground beside us. Mine. But she had missed the shot at Esdeath, something she never does. Esdeath clashed swords against Akame, while forcing her backwards as Akame continued protecting us.

"Go!" Akame yelled, keeping her eyes fixated on Esdeath. Esdeath had other plans, using her feet to trip Akame over. She was about to lay down her sword, and cut into Akame. I felt my eyes prickle, tears forming, as I jumped. I dodged the swipe of the sword, moving Akame away. Leone watched, in shock.

I heard small footsteps grow loud to the side of me, seeing Mine appear.

"Mine! Go back!"

It was too late. A guard out of nowhere, used their shield, smashing it into the back of her head, knocking her out cold. Leone was growing weaker, and being dragged by Akame.

I called out Mine's name again, trying to get to her only for a hand to grab onto my arm. It was stone cold, as it tightly held onto me. I turned my head, as General Esdeath yanked and pushed me, so I fell to the floor. My head met with a rock, hitting it as a sharp pain spread against my forehead and all over.

My vision became blurry as I heard familiar voices call out to me. Tears fell from my eyes before I closed them, unconscious.

(Back to current time)

The bright light of the morning woke me up as I rubbed my eyes, sleepily. I sat myself up, yawning and looking at Esdeath who was still fast asleep.

I remember it now. My head suddenly began to sting. I blinked several times only for me to see nothing, nothing just darkness. It felt like my head filling up with air and yet emptiness.

So the head injury from long ago had made me forget the event before Esdeath had taken me in as her prisoner. Would I even be classified as her prisoner anymore? She gives me free reign, as long as I'm accompanied by a Jaegar or guard. Hmm.

I leaned towards her and ran my hands through her silky, soft, blue hair. I admired her, her face peeking out between her hair. This was the woman I'd be marrying. She was cruel, someone I never thought I'd ever even see her bedroom. But here I am.

In Esdeath's bed, waiting for her to wake up.

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