Chapter 12: Not so fast

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Heyyyy! I hope you liked the last chapter! Also for the readers who celebrate Christmas: Merry Christmas! I'm wishing everyone an early Christmas seeing as I won't be updating on Christmas day. Hope all is well too! Now, I won't keep you waiting too long. Here is the next chapter!


I ran and ran, bumping into people along the way. I knocked over a man who was carrying a massive vase. He looked pissed and I apologized before seeing three of the guards who were with Esdeath turn around the corner, running towards me. I panicked and started running again, sliding underneath a stall and to the other side of it. I ran past many people, tripping them over and dodging some. The guards were falling behind and the other three guards went the opposite way. I guess they were going to try and catch me from the other way. Instead of going straight ahead I turned left down an alleyway, where there were boxes I could jump onto to get onto the roof. 

This was it. I was finally escaping. I leapt onto the boxes in front of me and used my hands to grip on to the side of the roof. I hoisted myself up a little before I felt a tug at my legs. The tug became harsh and I was pulled down onto the floor. I landed on my back and stared straight up. Blue hair entered my vision and I was picked up and pinned against the wall. Esdeath had somehow managed to catch up to me while the guards were still distant away. I didn't say a word and stared into her eyes. 

She looked pissed. Her eyes were full of anger and she was gritting her teeth. 

"I thought you could behave..." Her hand wrapped around my neck and she started to choke me. She was squeezing my neck quite hard and I tried my best to find my breath. I was being slightly lifted off of the ground, and I moved my legs around trying to kick her. She laughed at this and put me down and slammed me against the wall, pinning my arms. Her nose was touching mine and her cap was starting to fall off.

I stayed still, about to start yelling but I was caught off guard. Something was touching my lips, preventing me to be able to speak. I peeked down seeing that Esdeath's own lips were pressed against mine. Oh my god, she was kissing me. I didn't know how to react as I have never been kissed before. I kind of just let it happen. My arms were still pinned roughly against the alley wall and Esdeath's cap had fallen off onto the floor. I had given in and allowed her to carry on kissing me. Her eyes were closed and she had a slight blush on her cheeks. She pulled away and looked at me, silently.

It was silent for a few seconds before she released the grip on my arms and put her hands on my chest instead. I stared in shock, as she slid a hand up my shirt, softly caressing my boob. I was frozen on the spot as she leaned forward and put her face into my neck. I felt her warm breath which slightly tickled my neck. She slowly removed her hand and stuck out her tongue, licking upwards on my neck. I shivered, I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Esdeath's mouth reached my ear and she teasingly nibbled the bottom of it and used her other hand to caress the side of my face. I put my arms around her waist. It felt really nice and my stomach's fuzziness continued to grow inside. It was as if I wasn't in control. 

Esdeath planted kisses down the side of my neck before stopping and staring at my face again, cupping my face with her left hand. The guards had finally caught up and I could hear them panting. She moved back from me and had a hold of the leash which was still attached to the collar. I was still wearing that thing this whole time. God damn it.

Esdeath bent down and picked up her General hat and placed it back onto her head. She stared at the now tired guards. 

"I found her. Next time you guys are unable to keep an eye on her, I'll have you all executed." She said and dragged me outside of the alleyway. The guards followed behind, quite scared of what she had just said to them. My escape was a fail. She had beaten me to it and was able to capture me before I even had the chance to get away. 

We walked through the market again and she re-entered the shop, coming out with something in a small pouch. I took no notice and continued the day, staying silent. 

It had been a few hours and it was starting to get darker out. We turned up to a small restaurant and Esdeath waltzed right inside. She found a table for two and the guards waited outside. I was sat down and a waitress came over to us and asked for our orders. Obviously I stayed quiet and Esdeath ordered for us both. What was this? Why are we out getting food together?

Esdeath tied the end of the leash she was holding around her wrist. She wanted to make sure I couldn't escape again. Her eyes stared at me and she rested her hands on her chin. I looked away from her, still in shock from earlier. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. The more I thought about it, the more it became blurry and fuzzy. I could just remember the kiss between us two. 

Food was given to us within minutes and we both sat in silence. I didn't touch the food and watched her eat instead. Esdeath sighed putting down her fork. 

"Eat." She demanded. I ignored her and refused. There was no way I was going to-

She picked up her fork again and stabbed at a potato on my plate before holding it to my mouth. I shook my head and pulled a face. I didn't want to eat AND I didn't want to eat off of the fork she was using! Esdeath leaned forward and grabbed my nose.

"Now you will have to open your mouth." She snickered and waited. I gave in and had to breath so I opened my mouth. She shoved the food right in and sat back in her chair, looking relaxed.

"There you go. Not hard is it?" Esdeath smiled at me and carried on eating her food. She finished her food within minutes and I still sat there not touching it. So...

For the rest of the meal, she force-fed me. Held my nose until I needed to breath. 

"You're like a child." She laughed and rolled her eyes. I was made to eat it all finally and I wasn't happy about it. 

"Even though you tried to escape today, I had a really nice day today." She picked up the glass of wine she had and stared at it. "I really enjoyed what we did back there~" 

I went bright red. "I didn't do anything!" 

"Oh so she finally speaks. And you did, don't lie." She smirked and took a sip of the wine. "I felt your hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me in for moreeeee~"

Esdeath sat there and teased me while I denied it all. After that, we both sat there quietly before she asked me something.

"Y/N, what's your story so far?" 

I looked at her. I looked to the side. Do I tell her? Do I even bother? She is my enemy after all.

"Why does it bother to you? You'll probably kill me or something." I answered back.

"Why would I kill you for telling me about your life so far? I like you Y/N." Esdeath said. She then muttered something under her breath which I couldn't hear very well. I chose to not ask and instead shared something with her.

"Okay well...I grew up outside of the central. I was born into a village. My mother and father were doing great for business and decided to move to the central when I was eleven. I helped out in the shop until one day my parents were brutally murdered. I didn't know what to do but I hunted down the people who killed my parents...I found them...all three of them...and well...I guess after that you can tell I joined the night raid." I said, running a hand through my hair. 

Esdeath had silently listened to me, her face showing sympathy. Moments later, a guard came inside and interrupted us. 

"Sorry Esdeath, it's nearly nine. You told me to remind you." The guard said and hurried back out.

Esdeath got up from the chair and gulped down the wine. She pulled at the leash. 

"Cmon little doggy, time for us to head back." She said and giggled. 

I reluctantly got up and followed. Guess I'll try another time to get out of her grip...

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