🎇Love Beyond Limits-14🎇

Start from the beginning

Goon 3, Boss! I am not able to find the CCTV room!

Goon 1 looked at Sia and Sejal in anger,


Sia and Sejal: We..We Don't know.


Sia and sejal: We seriously don't know anything. Please believe us. Let us all go. What do you want from us?

They both were crying and sobbing, pleading them to let them go.

Meanwhile, Ishani was hiding in a secret place and messaged Vansh about the situation. By mistake, Her phone beeped as she didn't put it on silent mode. This proved to her a big mistake. As soon as the mobile buzzed, the goon who was finding her came running and held her at gunpoint. He took her to the other girls.

Goon 4: Boss! Here she is!!

He pushed Ishani towards the other two girls making her fall on them. All other staff of the hospital was locked in a ward room with the patients and only Sia, Sejal and ishani were sitting in the hall. All the goons were there. They handcuffed the girls. One of them went near Sia and was about to caress her cheeks when someone shouted. It was Kabir.

Kabir: Don't you dare touch her!!!

Goon looked at him in anger.

G: And who are you to interrupt me?

Aryan came from the back of Kabir speaking,

A: He is my brother and I am his. Enough for you to know!

G(smirked): Attitude in front of me?

K: Leave the girls!

A: Right now!

Both of them carried anger, a kind of protectivness and possessiveness in their voice.

G: And who are you both to these girls?

Sejal spoke before anyone could speak.

Sejal: These two are their boyfriends.(pointing towards Sia and Ishani)

And they are very dangerous!

Kabir, Aryan, Ishani and Sia(shocked): What!!!

Sejal: Shut up!! Look! (To the goons) They will not leave you if you try to harm their girlfriends. They are very possessive about them. Kabir! Look they were trying to hurt your Sia! And Aryan! This goon was messing with your Ishani! (To goon) Even they treat me like their sister. So, Don't harm me either.

Kabir(shocked): My Sia?

Ishani: His Ishani?

Aryan: What rubbish!

Sia: Are you in your senses Sejal?

Sejal: You all please shut up now. I know you both had some fights but it doesn't change the fact that you all love each other.

Everyone was confused with her constant lying but she was confidently speaking.

G: So, these two love these girls ? Now I want to see what you both can do for your love.

Aryan whispers in Kabir's ears,

A: So, now I am going to prove a non-existent thing to them. Like seriously? I love Ishani? What rubbish? If it were not Riddhima's order, I would have knocked them out by now.

K(Giving him irritated glares): Shut up Aryan! Just behave normally.

Goon 1: You(To Aryan) go with my man to the CCTV room. I want all the cameras off right now. Amnd You! (To Kabir) Call that Vansh RaiSinghania to be here immediately or I am going to kill her beautiful sisters and his beloved dadi. After every 5 minutes, He will lost one relation. You better ask him to hurry up!

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