out of time

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Vinnie Pov

"you may now kiss the bride"

I always thought i'd hear those words with me and her standing together; side by side. But instead i'm just a witness. A spectator. Watching the one i love be with another.

I wasn't good enough for her, i couldn't give her what she wanted, so i worked on myself, i changed myself so i could be good enough for her one day, but i guess i'm out of time. I'm too late.

y/n pov

I never thought i would be here.
Getting married. The day was perfect, everything matched what i envisioned, i must admit i always thought someone else would be "the one" , but i've grown, i've changed, i've matured and realised he couldn't give me what i wanted, he couldn't supply me with a stable future.

"congratulations" he told me.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, oh how he's changed.

He looked serious, his face matured, his eyes darkened, his height increased forever towering over my smaller figure.

I had to put myself first and think about what i wanted, as well as the lifelong commitment i've made to another. He's more than enough, he doesn't make me constantly worry.

i made the right decision.

I'm happy that he's changed, and i hope he can find someone who will treat him better. Some part of me is curious as to what our future would be like if i had stayed and waited for vinnie. i still care for him...But i'm married now, he can't have me in the way he wants, he's too late.


it has been too long and i'm so sorry.
i think it's nearly the end of an era. I'm not in love with vinnie the way i used to be, i've grown out of the "phase" , i don't want to mark the book as completed because i have random urges to write sometimes. But i cannot guarantee that i will be active and updating.

This was a small thing supposed to be for fun, i never expected it to blow up like this and i'm nothing but grateful for all of the friends and support i've had.

I think it's time to say good bye to this book for a while, it will be marked as completed.

Thank you for all the love and support!

- love jordyn x

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