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y/n pov

me and vinnie have been dating for over 2 years, we've both been really busy lately, but agreed that we'd both take the week off to spend sometime with each other.

it was a sunday afternoon, and this is the first time we've been out together for a while , it's just a casual outing to get some boba. it's going great , we are both having fun and enjoying each other's company, well we did for a bit...

"vinnie?!" a blonde girl , with long legs perfect body, long straight hair , perfect eyebrows, flawless skin , long eyelashes, medium sized lips , and strong cheekbones, called out to us.
we both turned around to see. i didn't recognise her, but i think vinnie did, i could tell by the way he looked at her.

"heather?" he finally gets his words out
"is that seriously you?" she smiles
"yeah, it's  me" vinnie replies anxiously
"who's this?" she gave me a slight evil look
"oh that's y/n my-" he begins
"girlfriend" i cut him off with and emphasised tone
"nice to meet you" she gave me a weird look
"mhm" i examined her face
"vinnie what are your doing in LA , i thought you still lived in seattle" heather questions trying to make conversation
"oh um i live here" he scratches his head
"that's great, i'm just visiting" she smiled back
"i'm sorry to interrupt your little reunion but how do you know vinnie" i cocked an eyebrow at her
"oh me and vinnie go far back, we were neighbours , and we dated in the 10th grade, he was my first" she smiled proudly
"cute!, he probably didn't finish" i muttered the last part and then forced a fake smile, because i don't like her already, i don't care if he was her first , frankly, i didn't ask. she's already giving me bad vibes. though i hate to admit but i can see why vinnie was with her , she was tall, with a good body and she was gorgeous. but i've already concluded i don't like her.
vinnie let's out a slight laugh at my remark but he covers it up with a cough and doesn't pay attention to the rest of our conversation.

vinnie pov

i'm not going to get between y/n and heather so i just stand here and keep my silence and let them argue.
i zoned out for like 2 minutes until i heard my name again.

"anyway, vinnie um maybe we could catch up this weekend?" i just look awkwardly contemplating my answer. "y/n can come of course" she adds.
"uh i have a lot of meetings this week" i scratch the back of my head nervously.
"oh that's sad, you're really missing out, guess i'll see you around" giggles at me innocently while twirling her hair and then she gives y/n a slight dirty look and walks away.

me and y/n go home, she's a bit quieter than before.

y/n pov

me and vinnie arrive home and sit on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie. my mind is preoccupied with a lot of thoughts about why vinnie is actually with me when he had her, she's perfect, i'm not half as pretty as her and from what i heard they're pretty close.

i surfaced from the deep pool of my thoughts and blurted out "why are you with me?"
"what do you mean" he looks with a confused face.
"heather. you had her and she's perfect, her body, her face, her hair. i'm far from perfect yet your still with me."
"y/n i'm not with heather because i don't love her, i can't love her the way i love you" he caresses my cheek
"but you had sex with her" i mumbled, to my luck he heard.
"i was drunk when we fucked, i barely remember it happening y/n" he replies
"oh, i'm sorry i was stupid to say anything" i say feeling slightly embarrassed
"don't apologise, you were just telling me how you feel and that's okay, y/n i love you, you are perfect in my eyes and i'm lucky to have you. don't ever think less of yourself ok?"
"mhm" i hum as he brings me in for a hug.

author note
well this definitely ended differently to how i originally started it.

i started this ages ago
um thank you for all the reads and votes
i appreciate the love and support

i love you

i have english homework to do before i go back to physical school on tuesday.

keep commenting
keep voting
keep safe

i love you!


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