Chapter 4: Mission?

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"Hey," Taeyong approaches me, smiling at me.

"Hey," I respond, my voice being shaky and soft.

I am not about to cry for my ex who left me.

The pain of my ex being happier than I am is hurting me. The hurt, pain, betrayal eating at me, no matter how much I try ignoring my emotions it seems to get worse. The hurt turning into anger, making it easier for me to handle and understand.

"He screwed up his chances of ever being with you again. It is not your fault, honestly, he is a selfish jerk. He only thinks about himself, thinks about it Aryan left you but he never thought about your feelings. He doesn't know what his actions caused you. That is a selfish half-witted jerk that doesn't deserve a girl like you. You would go to the ends of the earth for him, and he would replace you within seconds so really it is his fault," Taeyong says as he looks at Aryan, reading my emotions better than I can comprehend my own.

Our coach enters through the doors of the gym, everyone makes their way toward the stands- the stands are big steps that we sit on. Taking my boxing bandage wraps with me. We make our way to the second level of the stands, sitting in front of most people. The juniors look so anxious, it must be their first time seeing a match. I start wrapping my hands with the boxing bandages. The coaches make their way towards us.

"Today I got the news that Anurak is Challenging Tiana for the best boxer title from our school. So the best boxer for girls against the best boxer for boys," the female coach says as I look up to where Anurak is sitting with his friends, only to see him already looking at me. Diverting my attention to Taeyong, grabbing his hand to get his attention and he looks at me.

"How am I going to win, your brother is older than me number one, number two he has two years of more experience than I do," I whisper into his ear, he redirects his attention to his brother.

"Let's start," the female coach states towards everyone, walking towards the ring.

"Is Tiana scared to fight me?" Anurak whispers loudly, to his brother. His hazel eyes start going a little darker colour.

"You are just saying that because you know Tiana will beat your ass. You are trying to intimidate her," Taeyong whispers to his brother, squeezing my hand for reassurance.

I turn to hug Taeyong and utter in his ear, "Thank you but he is bigger than me."

Taeyong arms wrap around me, hugging me back and remarks, "Think he is Aryan and kill him, also maybe take your shirt off, so it distracts him while he is fighting you. No one would expect someone like you, the school's nerd, has a tattoo and also remember people think your dad paid for you to be the best boxer. Also do not come after me for stereotyping but you have good grades so you are automatically assumed you're a nerd, so getting a tattoo will surprise everyone including him. You also have a hot body, so he will check you out and see your chest tattoo. We are going to use the element of surprise."

Going towards the ring, nerves acting up completely feeling like snakes her in my stomach from how nervous and anxious I am feeling. Taeyong gives me his earphones and plays music to try and calm my nerves. I shake my body, letting the music in, shaking my body like I am shaking the anxiousness off. Taking my shirt off, just like Taeyong said and Anurak looks at me, his eyes wandering up and down, back up and then back down, his tongue starts dancing on his bottom lip. His tongue twists and twirls, he starts hooking his tongue to the bottom of his lip, bringing his bottom lip to his teeth, grazing his bottom lip with his teeth, his eyes speak of hunger and amazement as he looks at my cleavage.

Taeyong was right and it looks like he fell for our trap.

I internally smirk, at the thought of no more being the prey to Anurak but this time him being the prey. Taeyong wraps his big and longhand around my waist, briskly brings me towards him for a hug, removing an earphone from my ears. He whispers in my ear when I am close to him, "You will do great, just remember his chances of winning now are slim because of your tattoo and the fact that a pretty girl is shirtless." He lets go of my waist, I nod in response as he takes his earphones with him directing my attention towards Anurak, he still looks at me like I am his prey. His jaw unclenches from the position it was in.

Until I Find YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora