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Hello, wonderful humans! I have been writing this book for over a month now and I have realised that I frankly hate it. Don't get me wrong, I love the characters and general plot, but there are so many things wrong with it. There are so many things that I need to fix about this and I just don't have the energy to continue that.

So I'm writing a new story, The Doctor and The Devil, it'll be an 18+ Hotch x OC fic. But this time, I'm not going to post it right away. I want to take my time with this one and really get it right. By the time this chapter goes out, I will have started writing this next book.

One of the things I really want to fix is the timeline. Everything in this book is too close together and certain periods are too short. I also focused too much on just Aaron and Zero, I wanted there to be more developed and intricate relationships with the other characters too.

Thank you all for reading!

-Zephyrr_xo :)

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