9.0 5 FOOT 4 AND A HALF!

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*Hotch's POV*

I wake up to the sound of salsa music filling my ears. I shoot up in the bed, whipping my head around. Where am I? I relax when I remember that I stayed the night at Zero's house. I quickly shower and get dressed. I pick my phone up and check the time, 11:34 am, open the guest room door and waltz down the stairs and into the hallway. Immediately greeted with a happy Bowser, I pat his head, "Morning Bowser." 

Making my way into the kitchen, I smile as I watch Zero cook, oblivious to my presence and dancing happily to the music that fills the house. They're dressed in a black Metallica tank top, black cargo pants and a big FBI Academy hoodie tied around their waist, hair still wet with half tied up messily. I can now hear them singing along in Spanish, their voice is a little raspy, but their Australian accent is gone and has been replaced with a Spanish one to fit the song.

It's nice to see them like this. So happy and not a care in the world. I almost want to join them.

"Zero!" I call out over the loud music, now leaning on the counter, one hand still patting Bowser's head, smiling at them. They don't respond and I chuckle. "Zero!" I call out louder this time.

"Do Bisa! (Fucking hell!)" They jump at the sound of my voice and whip around, a panicked look on their face. "Jesus Christ Hotch! You scared the shit out of me." 

"Sorry, I called out before but you couldn't hear me over the music." I laugh behind my hand, walking over to them and moving a piece of hair from their face. Without any makeup on, I can see faint freckles dotted all over their face.

"How long have you been up? I hope I didn't wake you with the noise, I find it easier to focus when I have music going. Especially when doing something that requires a lot of attention and focus. I usually play salsa music when I cook."

"Not long and you didn't, but I must say, it's nice to see that you're feeling better after earlier this morning." I smile at them and they give me a small one back.

"Yeah, I made breakfast as a thank you," They turn around and pick up a plate of pancakes, setting it on the kitchen island. My eyes follow Zero and I see small bowls of cut-up fruit, two cups of coffee and other toppings.

I smile at them, "You didn't need to do this, but thanks."

"Hey, not many people get to taste my pancakes. Well, besides Bowser on special occasions." At the mention of his name, Bowser walks over to them and sits at their feet, waiting for head pats. Zero puts a pancake onto another plate and takes it over to the same spot, finally giving head pats to a patiently waiting Bowser. "Alright Bow, go potty." He gets up and goes over to the dog door and into the backyard. "Take a seat, Bossman. Don't need you starving on me." They take off their apron and I sit down at the island.

I take a bite as they sit down, "Damn, these are great!"

"Thanks, Hotch." Zero smiles as they also take a bite out of their pancakes.

"You'll have to come over to my place one morning and make these, Jack will love them."

"Maybe." We sit in silence for a few minutes, just listening to the now quieter salsa music. I can hear them humming along as they eat. I look down at them and notice a tattoo on the back of their hand. They turn to look at me, probably having felt my stare.

"You're staring again Bossman." Zero chuckles, taking another bite of pancake and sipping their cup of coffee.

I shake my head slightly, also taking a bite of my food, "Sorry, I'm just looking at your tattoos. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious."

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ