16.0 SCOWL

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*Dorosh's POV*

*OCTOBER 2, 8:42 am*

I walk into the office, energy drink in hand and beeline for my desk. We had just returned from a case and I left my paperwork for this morning as I was absolutely knackered when we got back. I drop my duffle by my feet and take my earphones out of my phone, plugging them into my computer and pulling up my work playlist. I immediately get to work, wanting to finish as soon as I could, just in case we had to leave again. A few minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Morning, Zero!" Reid beams at me, giving me a small wave. I smile and wave back at him.

"G'day Pretty Boy. What's got you so happy today?" I ask, a smirk playing at my lips as I look up at him. He walks in front of me and sits at his desk, across from mine.

"It's paperwork day!" He says, ecstatic. I roll my eyes playfully, chuckling.

"Of course, how could I forget the glorious paperwork day," I mock his enthusiasm as we both get to work.


*11:29 am*

I close the file I just finished and reach upwards, stretching my back. I grab my empty energy drink can and stand up, walking over to the trash bin in the kitchenette. Sighing, I lean against the counter and close my eyes, looking upwards at nothing. After a few seconds, I hear an all too familiar set of footsteps coming in my direction and I slowly tilt my head back down and open my eyes.

"Hi," Hotch says, walking to stand next to me and turning, leaning on the counter too.

"Hey," I reply, closing my eyes again and leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You okay?"

"Define okay," I lightly chuckle and drop my head, opening my eyes. He puts an arm around my shoulders as I yawn a little behind my hand.

"You tired?" He asks, I nod. "You can take a nap on the couch in my office if you would like. I don't mind. And, besides, it's just a paperwork day. I can wake you up if anything happens." I go to nod again when I hear a set of Garcia's very hurried footsteps coming towards us. My head shoots up and I see her practically running at us.

"Penny, is everything alright?" I stand up off the counter and meet her, putting a hand on her shoulder as she catches her breath.

"Does the name Aleksi Savenko mean anything to you?" She asks. My hand drops and my face changes rapidly from concern to anger.

"Where is he?"

"In the elevator, I came to talk to you because Hotch told me to flag the name Savenko."

"Sir," I say curtly, turning around to Hotch. He's a little shocked at my use of the title.

"Yes, Dorosh?"

"Can I use the interrogation room to talk to him? This conversation isn't something he would want everyone to hear." Hotch just nods and the elevator dings. Before I walk over to it, I take off my holster and hand it to Hotch. He looks at me confused, "He'll probably try to nab it. Taking a gun into a room with that lunatic is a very bad decision." I walk over to the elevator as Aleksi steps out, looking around until he spots me. He smiles and I glare at him.

"Viktoria! How nice to see you, sister," He says, opening his arms for a hug. I just stand in front of him, arms crossed over my chest. I wiggle two fingers at him, signalling for him to follow me. He sighs and follows me as I lead him to the interrogation room. I can hear Hotch and Garcia following a bit behind us. We get to the room and I open the door, walking in after him.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now