14.0 PLAN B

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*Dorosh's POV*

I walk out of the room and over to Sheriff Samuels. "Hey, is there a quiet room where I can chill out for a bit? Preferably one that's not used very often."

She turns around and smiles at me, "Of course, follow me." I give her a small smile and pick up my duffle as we pass the table the teams' go-bags are on. Samuels leads me down a few short halls and up to a door labelled 'Lounge'. "Here, this is the old break room. No one uses it anymore but we keep it pretty clean just in case." She opens the door and flicks the lights on for me and I nod my head at her.

"Thanks, I really appreciate this."

"Don't mention it. You can stay in here for as long as you want," She says and walks away. I go in and shut the door behind me, walking over to the small table and placing my duffle down. I move over to the small sink and turn the faucet on, splashing cold water on my face and then grabbing the small hand towel next to the sink, patting it over my face to dry it. I put my earphones in and play my 'Panic' playlist, walking over to my bag and grabbing out my glasses case. I take out my contacts and throw them in the bin by the door, turning the lights off and making my way to the couch. I sigh as put my glasses on the coffee table next to the couch, laying down on my back and put my arm over my eyes to block out any light.


A little while later I'm awoken by a soft knock on the door and Hotch pokes his head in.

"Hey, you alright? Sheriff Samuels was a little worried about you and came to me." He says, stepping in the room and closing the door. I sit up and groan, reaching upwards and arching my back to stretch it. It cracks a few times from being in the same position for a while.

"Could be better after the incident with Jefferys. But other than that I'm just tired." I sigh, staying sideways on the couch but crossing my legs. Hotch comes over and sits in front of me.

"Don't worry about Jefferys, I've handled it. I can also do something about the tiredness," He explains, picking up the shopping bag by his feet, "I got Prentiss to pick up some of your favourite energy drinks this morning." He hands me the bag and I take one of the drinks out.

"God damn have I missed these, the store by my house has been out of them for about a week and I've had to resort to copious amounts of tea. It's not really working," I say, opening it and taking a sip, "Thank you so much! Tell Em thanks as well."

He chuckles, "Anytime Zero." I give him a small smile and he returns it before continuing. "We're about to go deliver the profile, I thought you might want to be there, but it's completely fine if you want to stay here for a bit longer."

"Nah, I've already missed a lot of discussion with this case. I'll come help," I say, standing and putting my glasses on. I pick my phone up and see that it's 2:18 pm already. I exhale a little and shove my phone into my back pocket. He walks to the door and I grab my duffle from the table and we walk back out to the bullpen and meet with the others. We reach the team and Morgan claps me on the shoulder, a proud smile on his face.

"I gotta say, Dorosh, you're quite the badass. I hope you don't do that to any of us," He chuckles and I give him a cheeky smile.

"I won't have to unless you give me a good reason, Morgan."

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ