32.0 45 MINUTES

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*Hotch's POV*

Zero starts to shake a little less and their hiccups have dissipated. I pull back a little, not letting go of them and dip my head to look them in the eyes. I see that they're dissociating and pulling them back in, hugging them tightly and rubbing their back again. I start to lay them down but their breathing hitches and I stop, worried I made it worse.

What else can I do? Oh! Their blanket!

"Morgan! Reid!" I yell for the two, covering Zero's ears and hear their footsteps as they rush up the stairs and to my office, flinging the door open, worried.

"Yeah?" Reid asks, eyes going immediately to Zero. "Are they alright?" His voice lowered.

"Zero's having a panic attack and they're dissociating. Morgan, I need you to get their red fluffy blanket from their office. Also, grab their phone and earphones. Reid, I need you to go pick up Bowser. Put the lights and sirens on if you have to," I instruct the two and they instantly start moving.

"Here," Morgan comes back into the office with the items I requested. I place the blanket around Zero and put their earphones in, putting on their panic playlist. "Are they going to be alright?"

"I hope so, can you turn off the lights, please?" I keep my eyes on them and rub my thumbs over the backs of their hands, soothing them as Morgan flicks the lights off.

"Do you know what triggered it?" Morgan asks, sitting down on the couch. I finally look away from Zero, turning my gaze to him.

"I'm not too sure, but they woke up from what I'm guessing was a nightmare and started freaking out. Whatever happened in that nightmare scared them enough to make them completely shut down," I explain. We just sit with Zero until Bowser comes bolting into the room. "Okay, I may need some help with this part," Both men nod. "I need you both to go into Zero's office. Lay the blanket out flat and turn their diffuser on, keep the lights off and when you can, the door closed. I need to move them as little as I can otherwise they'll start freaking out more."

"Got it," Reid says, both nodding at me and standing. The two rush into Zero's office as I stand, gently picking them up, Bowser pacing at my feet.

"Is everything okay?" Prentiss asks and I turn to my office door to see the rest of the team there.

"No. I need everyone to be quiet, Zero's having a panic attack and dissociating. Loud noises freak them out more so if you speak please do so quietly," I instruct, walking through them and into Zero's office.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" JJ asks, her voice lowered. I shake my head and carefully set Zero down on the blanket so they're sitting in the middle of it.

"I'll stay in here with them and Bowser. We'll meet you on the jet," The team just worriedly nods and leaves us, closing Zero's office door. I return my gaze to them as Bowser lays himself over their lap. I place Zero's hand on Bowser's back, just like they instructed me to do. Zero had instructed me what to do in case they ever had a panic attack in the office.


Around half an hour later Zero's breathing hitches and I look up into their eyes, seeing that their pupils have returned to normal.

"Hey, love," I say quietly, trying to not startle them. Zero looks at me and gives a small smile.

"Hi..." They croak, their voice is raspy from the uneven breathing and lack of use. I pick up the glass of water next to me that Reid had brought in earlier and hand it to them. Zero gladly takes it and takes a big sip. "How long was I out of it?" They ask, looking back at me.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now