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*Dorosh's POV*

*OCTOBER 25, 11:47 am*

I awake with a start, shooting up from my place in the bed. I whip my head around the room, taking in my surroundings. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I'm not there anymore... I'm safe with Aaron...

Looking over at the sleeping figure beside me, my panic disapates and I smile.

He's so adorable when he sleeps, so peaceful.

I place a soft kiss on his nose and he stirs slightly. Hoping that I didn't wake him, I slip out of the bed and head over to my closet.

I think today I'll get started on a new irrigation system for the garden. I need to update the design a bit and redesign the layout.

After getting dressed, I quietly make my way downstairs and make a coffee for Aaron. I also make him a few croissants and take them both up to my room, ready for when he wakes up. When I walk back into the room he's sitting up in the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Mornin' Princess. How'd you sleep?" I place his breakfast on the nightstand next to him and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Good. Your bed is really comfortable, I need to know where you got this mattress so I can get a couple for Jack and me," He says tiredly, picking up the cup of coffee and taking a bite of one of the croissants. I giggle and run my hand through his messy hair.

"I got them from Australia," I say as he puts the cup down and licks the crumbs off his lips. Aaron grabs my hips and lifts me so I'm sitting on his lap. He presses a delicate kiss to my forehead, then my cheeks, nose and finally my lips.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to stay here for a bit longer," He chuckles and I giggle. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again. He deepens the kiss and rolls us over so he's on top of me. I push on his chest lightly and he pulls back.

"Honey, I have work to do and you need to get ready to pick Jack up from Jess's place, it's just after twelve. As much as I'd like to stay in bed all day with you, we both have things we need to do."

"Fine," Aaron sighs and flips us back over. "I'll be back around six with Jack. Is that alright with you?" He asks as I stand from the bed.

"Yeah, that should be okay. I'll be out in my workshop today so just call me when you're at the gate and I'll put kid-friendly music on," We both chuckle at my statement as he gets up from the bed, walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I hear the shower turn on and make my way back downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab a snack and some energy drinks, patting Bowser on the head and taking him out with me into the workshop.

"I'm going to head off now, Zero," I look up at Aaron as he enters my workshop. I smile as he comes over to me and kisses me lightly.

"Okay, bub. I'll see you in a few hours. Oh! What does Jack like to eat? I want to make something he'll like," I look up at him as he stands over me.

"He'll definitely love your chicken pasta bake. Jack loves chicken to no end," We laugh and I stand up from my seat to hug Aaron. He sways us a little and rests his chin on my head. "Hey, guess what."


"I love you."

"I love you too."


*Hotch's POV*

*5:57 pm*

"Are you excited to meet them, buddy?" I glance at Jack through the rear-view mirror. He claps his hands, wiggling in his car seat.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora